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Riggin'...Online Booklet

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by JohnReid, Nov 24, 2009.

  1. JohnReid Active Member

  2. JohnReid Active Member

    Step 63

    Foretopsail Yard Tie Purchases

    The blocks installed under the crosstrees are used for these ropes.Tie two lengths of 6" rope around the head of the topmast just above the crosstrees so that one length hangs down each side.The starboard rope is lead through one sheave of the double block on the yard, through the single block under the port side of the crosstrees and down alongside the port topmast backstay.Tye in its end a 14" double block just above the level of the lower yard.Repeat the process with the port length of rope ,leading it the opposite way and finishing with its end block hanging alongside the starboard backstay.
  3. JohnReid Active Member

    Step 64

    Foretopsail Yard Halyards

    Tie a 14" single becket block,one each side,to the eyebolts immediately aft of the eleventh deadeyes in the fore channels by short lengths of rope,so that the blocks are just above the level of the upper deadeyes.Lengths of 3 1/2" are tied to the beckets of these blocks.Reeve them to the double blocks of the tie purchases in a luff tackle.Tie the falls inside the forecastle rail .

    Step 65

    Foretopgallant Yard

    Locate the position of the yard on the mast just above the cap and pin and glue in position.
  4. JohnReid Active Member

  5. JohnReid Active Member

    Step 66

    Foretopgallant Tie

    Lead a rope of 4 1/2" through the topgallant mast sheave and then down aft of the mast.Tie a 8" double block in its end slightly above the level of the foremast cap.

    Step 67

    Foretopgallant Yard Halyard

    Tie a length of 3" rope to the becket of the remaining single block installed above the aft end of the foretop.Reeve this to the double block just installed on the foretopgallant tie in a luff tackle.Lead the fall through the aft hole in the foretop.
  6. JohnReid Active Member

  7. JohnReid Active Member

    It is very difficult to photograph the run of the running rigging while the model is in the case due to very limited access,lighting conditions etc......I will highlight the
    important parts of the tackle wherever possible. The run of the rigging should be clear in the various steps that I have described.Belaying points on deck will be fully covered and illustrated at a later stage.Cheers! John.
  8. JohnReid Active Member

    Step 68

    Foreyard Lifts

    Tie a 12" single block end to end with a 26" double block,attach the larger block to the to the yardarm of the foreyard.A 4 1/2" rope is attached to the becket of the block already installed at the mast cap.Lead it down through the top and inside the shrouds to belay at the kevel opposite the fore end of the fore channel.

    Hack P 72

    Long P242-43.
  9. JohnReid Active Member

    I will continue with this thread as soon as possible but for now I must get back to my Canada Aviation Museum commitments.Thanks for your understanding.Cheers! John.
  10. JohnReid Active Member

    I visited a couple of local hobby stores yesterday and to my surprise I saw something amazing.Ten years ago, except for the amour guys ,hardly anyone knew about dioramas or even what they were.Not only most modelers but the arts community too!
    Things are finally changing,they now have craft materials for kids, even under ten years old' labeled as "diorama kits".I am not just talking about the modeling section of the stores but in the childrens craft section as well.Sure,I know that this kind of craft thing has been around for a long time but I never have seen a kit designed especially for kids and labeled a diorama.
    So what is the big deal?Well maybe sometime in the future makers of dioramas will not have to explain to 9 out of 10 people that they meet what kind of art they do.

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