Richard I.


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Nov 16, 2003
Stockholm (Venice of the North)
This one has been laying around being partly started. In the move about a year ago it was damaged but now Im determinded to finish it.

Ive been looking for inspiration for the heraldry of Richard I during the crusades. I wanted to portray him with the two rampant lepards facing each other that he had in the early days. Im not a great free hand painter so I needed some inspiration to copy. A friend came of with this desing from an old Military Modeling that he used himself when making this figure. The arm with the shield has come off but I prepared some pinning and attach later on as this will make it easier to paint the heraldry and the inside of the shield. The axe also broke and is pinned for strength when gluing it back in place.


Armless and armless. (Pardon the pun figureteers) :)


And heres the base constructed by textured Plaststruct, Plastic Card and A&B Putty. The base is closer to completion than the figure in this case.


I like the idea on the heraldry. Better than the traditional depiction of the Plantagenent leopards.

Keep us updated... this looks like fun.

Okelidokelido, figureteers!

Heres the latest pictures from my Richard I project. Sadly I havent been painting as much as I would have liked to during my vacation. On the other hand Ive spent some quality time with the family. :)
The heraldry was a real paint in you know what and had to be repainted several times before I was satisfied with it.

The inside of the shield with woodgrain painted as well as the arm with chainmail and padding. The two small holes are for better grip when glueing on a to come strap to the shield.

The front of the shield with Richards early heraldry. Two rampant gepards facing each other. Im gonna make the shield look a bit dusty on the lower parts.

The work on the axe, helmet, spurs, belt and sword with scabbard still remains.

View from the back. Also the lower parts of the mailhauberk, coat and gambeson are going to be a bit dusty.

Close up of the face.

Comment, views and questions are as always welcommed.
He is looking great Janne..........I like the heraldry and you did a great job. I look forward to seeing your next step
Superb Janne,

Maybe you can tell us how you did the heraldry (I have this fig lying around too, and I'm just waiting for the confidence to paint the shield). You might add a border in a darker red at the lower part of the surcoat. I've seen this once on a painted version of this figure and it looked superb, as does your figure. Can't wait to see it finished.

Keep up the excellent work,

Heraldry is excellent. You can also add lighter color gold/yellow to outline the leopards to give them some depth. Should the gambeson be leather? I thought it was a quilted pad? I don't want to be picky, though :)

Looks really good so far, Janne. Keep going! :)

Hi Janne!
It's looking GREAT, what else can I say?
Could you in a few words answer please: what period could be this very heraldry?
Which of the battle scenes could it be? There is a part of European wall at the base. So it suppose to be Europe?
Keep up going
Best regards

Thanks for the comments everyone. :)
As I hinted in my second post, the heraldry was real hard. I hadnt done such heraldy before. However after severals tries I ended up downsizing the picture Ive had to the apropiate scale. Using tape and carbon paper Ive transefered this image to the shield that was already painted with the red base colour.

I merely sketched the proportions out and made sure the rampant gepards were not out of centre. This as I found that to be the hardest thing to paint free hand.

Then I filled in with yellow, several layers, trimmed with red, added more detail of yellow. -On and on, on and on...(Tune: Black Sabbaths; Heaven and Hell).
As this took several sessions Ive saved the colours for the heraldy and the shield.

I saw that pattern on Mike Blanks Richard I. And I have considered it but I decided not to. However I might reconsider it as it agreable would be a very nice touch.

Regarding the outline I have discussed it with friends but Ive also noted that Mike Blanks Richard I, which I was inspired by, didnt have it. Ive agreed with the argument that this type of heraldry didnt go with the era. Having said that I must strongly point out that Im not an expert in this and therefore I lean more to artistic license and what Ive picked up. The Gambeson was pictured by me as uncoloured wool, but perhaps it came out to dark. Do your think it should be more off-white or more linen-yellow?

The heraldry Ive used for inspiration was found in an old Military Modelling from the 70-s. It just says that its his shield from the third crusade. Ive been following threads on forums regarding Richards heraldry and if I got it right, he had the two rampant gepards when going on crusade, changed during the crusade to two gapards above each other and when he got back he had three gepards above each other. Still there is some controversy to this subject. But Im just a simple figurepainter doing what I think looks good within reason. ;)
That is also the reason why I dont set the scene. It could be Saxland(England), it could be Normandy and it could be Acres. This as I dont want to paint myself into a corner. :lol:
Title will be kept simple: Couer de Lion

Thanks for the comments. Go with your artistic license! No problem.
My comments regarding the gambeson was because it looked like leather in the photo. May have been the photo. Its fine if you are satisfied.

I really do like the work on the heraldry. Excellent craftsmanship on your part!

Actually, Keith, Im pretty uncertain myself regarding the Gambeson. First I started out wiht the basecolour Humbrol 178 Sand but thought it to light and to dead. This made me change to a base colour of Humbrol 29 with a little sand in it to lighten it up a bit. On the other hand it was darken by the filter I added.

I DO apreciate the input. :)
Not that I dosent apreciate that link, but now Im more confused and uncertain than before. :eek:

The first picture in the discussion thread could be looked upon as "negative" shading and highlighting and the other one war more or less black in the worn areas.
Thanks for your comments about heraldry and a battle scene. Now everything is much clear. It have to be a great idea and excellent paintjob!

Best regards