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REVIEW: Private Coaching with Bernard

Discussion in 'Friends of planetFigure' started by MassiveVoodoo, Feb 7, 2023.

  1. MassiveVoodoo New Member

    "From the moment I had booked a workshop with Roman, I knew I was going to be in for a wild ride."

    - Bernard


    Hey Jungle,

    I am still catching up with many private coaching reviews from 2022.
    Man, time flies and I am defenetely not getting younger :D
    Back in the end of 2022 I was coaching Bernard from Belgium aka https://www.instagram.com/berro._.studio/ on how to understand strong atmospheric painting. Including advanced color theory, vision planning, plus how to use all of it in a joyful workflow. We had some intense basing lessons that connected with story-telling too.

    "The very first minute I entered his lair, Roman made me feel like I was truly home with his comfy and well-stocked atelier.

    At any given time during the process Roman was involved and encouraged questions to be asked, from the very start of the composition phase until the very end of placing the ambiance with acrylics.
    But even with all the advice and guidance Roman gave, he made sure I felt like I was in complete control of the final choices and merely nudged me in the right direction.
    This soft-touch approach has given me the confidence that I will be able to keep working on the same high level at home.

    I can only highly recommend his workshop, make sure you go in energized to learn as much as you can.

    Go with an open mind and heart, and you will leave as a much better artist and have a new terrific friend!"
    - Bernard







    Thank you for the two cool days, Bernard.
    It has been an absolute pleasure to see you learn and grow.
    Thank you for your trust in my teachings and the joyful time spent together!



    Keep on happy painting, Bernard!


    Fully booked with Private Coaching lessons until June 2023.
    If you are interested in your private coaching for a later date: I setup a list of interested people and will contact these first - in the order of the list - when new dates get available.

    If you are interested in updates on workshop news, sign up for my newsletter:
    Roman Lappat - Workshop Newsletter

    If you are interested in more insight in my work, check back with YouTube or Etsy:

    Continue reading...

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