Review out of box and Paint to bust step by step "Nuts Planet" The Aquila Roman Legionary bust


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taff edwards

A Fixture
Apr 9, 2013
Aberthaw Vale of Glamorgan
I must first say on behalf of all at Planet figure how very sad we are to here of the tragic loss of life there has been in the the recent ferry disaster off the coast of South Korea ,and our thoughts go to all our members who will I am sure been touched by this tragic disaster................................

I have been very generously provided with the "NUTS PLANET" 1/10 scale bust of the Roman Aquila , my intention is to do a out of box review and then to do a paint to bust step by step . a little bit different I hope . I am the same as many of my fellow painters a person who loves this hobby and has seen it develop over the last 30 odd years god that was hard to say but what an incredibly long way this hobby has come .

A clear example is the beautiful art work which is coming out of South Korea at the moment and the perticulary skilful sculpting of Jun -Sikh Ahn and the art work of Myeong -Ha Hwang with this figure and thank you Benny for giving me this opportunity .

This is the box art image of the bust as mentioned beautifully done


The bust arrived in a very sturdy box with excellent packing for the bust and its additional parts which consists of 10 superbly cast pieces of smooth flawless casting as you can see from the graphics on the box there is more than enough reference for the the painter.

I have to at this point make the point that I paint with my own style , i sat with Jim Evans recently and looked at his work and my god has he got some finished pieces ,but his style is his and I love it can i paint like him now , I paint my way and that is what makes this hobby the wonderful process it is.
I have never painted this period in this scale , in a sense this will be a learning curve for me and perhaps others who are about to venture into busts and this scale ,and perhaps this period we can all help each other which I feel is the essences of " Planet Figure ".

The" Aquila "
What's does it mean I am sure lots of you guys know but it was an interesting process to find out for me so i hope you will let me share .
An Aquila ,or Eagle was a prominent symbol used in Ancient Rome especially as the standard of a Roman Legion .
A legionary known as an Aquiler ,or Eagle - barrier, carried this standerdnofma.Each legion carried one Eagle .
The eagle was extremely important to the Roman military , beyond being a symbol of a legion . a lost standard was considered an extremely grave occurrence ,and the Roman military often went to great lengths to protect a standard and to recover it if lost; for example see the after math of the " Battle of Teutoburg Forest" , where the
Romans spent decades attempting to recover the lost standard of three legions
Also it was perceived that the eagle was the provider of mobility for dead Ceasers to move to the after word as depicted in the picture below




The following images will show rather components of this bust as mentioned 10 in all , there is minimal cleaning with this bust none of which constitutes wearing a biological warfare outfit which you will be glad to hear.the smaller parts the sword pommel the helmet attachments and the beautifully cast leather neck tie come in a small plastic bag .


The wear and tear on the hood is extremely well done subtle but effective, and the button detail is excellent the detail on the armour is crisp and detailed


There were some issues felt by members of the sword handle being the size and shape , my own feelings is mass production in that period was not like ours so things I feel we're different in size perhaps and some times texture


I look forward to starting the painting process will be be attempting to add something to the bust to make I own nothing huge but it will be subtle but I feel keeping with the bust and what it represents .
I very much looking forward to sharing ideas techniques , from you guys so that the process will be in effect
organic so that we can all take away something .

My reference information ,and sword images obtained from "Soldier " a visual history of the fighting man " by RG Grant
(ISBN no 978-4053-2231-7) and Wikipedia


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Very informative review taff and a worthwhile read to those of us who's area of interest isn't this period (eg myself). I look forward to following this post through to the finish.

Nice preview, I just got this one myself. I like the fact they molded the head separate from the hood, making both far easier to paint.
Hi Chris ,

Nice Review , I have this also from NutsPlanet , its a cracking piece as you have done this I will do mine for a magazine and another forum .

Are you doing the SBS as a separate thread putting a link to this Review?

Thanks for sharing

Thanks for this review Chris.....Got this coming and it looks to be a stunner....I recently painted Castle miniatures Vexilarius bust another cracking bust but glad to see the head/face is separate on this will make painting a bit more accessible.... Kevin
I bought their Crusader bust at S&L and it was a beautiful casting so can confirm that they are a very good quality, nice review Chris I'll probably get this one in due course as well (y)
Hi. Guys
Thanks for the feed back ,Hi Kevin thank you for your kind comments you review Guru , yea I going to do the step by step as a separate thread in a sense I want the guys to throw there ideas and skills into the sort of step by step pot , so that the process is in a sense organic I learn we all learn as I know there are individuals with more experience than I with this period , as I always do I want to put my own twist on the figure with some additions ,you know me never make life easy lol .
Cheers Chris
Hi Chris ,

Looking forward to the SBS will be interesting to see this and how you put your own "twist" on it (perhasp the Eagle will be on his shoulder ....unwraped;) ....and seeing others thoughts and posst .

To everyone on PF ..I will be doing my version on this piece ..never know might even paint it ...inbetween tapping on a keyboard!!!

As Taff say the stuff coming out of Korea is really good and all companies there can be justly proud of this.

Happy modelling guys


PS If this bust is on your list ..take it off and buy this piece you will not regret it (y)
I'm hoping to get mine delivered this morning as I ordered mine from Steve Kirtley and he's fast,probably the fastest in the west!!!!!!
Great review and look forward to painting this fella.
as being new to the figure side of things thanks for taking the time to do this I will be looking forward to it
Hi Guys
Thanks for the feed back to be honest it's a very enjoyable process , and not being my period that i have really ever done much in it's a challenge more so on the painting .
I will be creating another thread later with a link to this ,i have started today to do the paint step by step and i have to say its a dream to paint .so I will be posting a bit later with my ideas for the slight changes I will be putting to the bust not that it needs any additions it just the way I do things ,lol . Make work for myself Jimbo knows the feeling hell he puts legs on um not going that far
Cheers Chris