Steve Brodie
PlanetFigure Supporter
such stunning work, what's your preferred brush size, for painting these beauties
such stunning work, what's your preferred brush size, for painting these beauties
Thanks Steve! This may surprise some people but 90% of my painting on these is done with a #2 brush. The rest with a #1. Since I paint with acrylics these brushes hold paint/water better than smaller brushes. As long as the brush has a fine point on the end, I am content.
Stunning work Ken. I can see you have a love for your country's colourful history. I'd be proud to have those in my cabinet.
Like you, I favour #2 and #1 for most jobs, and like you say, a good point is they key feature. I gave up on 10/0 brushes a while back
Thanks for posting these
I didn't even know this company existed until I saw your vignettes here. They are truly outstanding, both your painting and the figures.