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WIP Pvt Sandy Cortmann 3 Para Arnhem 1944 (1/16)

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Colin_Fraser, Sep 24, 2024.

  1. Colin_Fraser A Fixture

    Starting a new vbench for my next figure modelling project. Richie (1879miniatures) sent me copies of his recent Arnhem figures. I’m generally not a big WWII enthusiast…with 2 exceptions: (1) the July 20 bomb plot and (2) Arnhem.

    The first fig. is a 1/16 recreation of one a figure from one of the iconic photos from the Arnhem battle. This has been identified by Richie as Pvt. Sandy Cortmann of 3 Para patrolling through the rubble of Oosterbeek on Sept 23.

    My first go at painting the dreaded Denison smock so wish me luck.

    Here’s the assembled and primed figure.


    image3.jpeg image9.jpeg image2.jpeg image4.jpeg

  2. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    A great figure from Richie, looking forward to seeing this develop, Dennisons aren't that bad to paint if you imagine the applied colours being done with a broad wall paper brush.

    Cheers Simon
    Colin_Fraser likes this.
  3. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter

    I am sure you will be fine with the smock, following with interest
    Colin_Fraser likes this.
  4. Nap Moderator

    Hi Colin

    Great to see what’s next from you , sure you’ll enjoy the paint

    Looks a nice sculpt and a fine tribute to Arnhem and the named soldier

    Lots of pics on internet of course but these are great books , happy to look in my copies if you need anything

    Following with interest

    Have fun @ the bench


    CAE6387D-6AF1-420F-8DF9-C8E82C0EB807.jpeg F98B9A0E-8B2E-4B13-96D3-C8A4DE431962.jpeg
    Colin_Fraser likes this.
  5. WarhammerAdjacent A Fixture

    That's a lovely figure, really looking forward to seeing your progress. I'd second the comments on Denison smocks, of all the camo patterns it is probably the one that lends itself to painting best. If you can do eyes, you can do an Denison.
    Colin_Fraser likes this.
  6. Nap Moderator

    Hi Colin

    Found this amongst my bits of references, might be of help

    D74FD20D-F8EA-48AC-868A-6E50C3DC5C0D.jpeg 3B57C19E-6316-4D09-956B-D9F5701384DE.jpeg

    51BC6CCB-5500-4F92-AE4F-B3072081D318.jpeg 2EBA8534-EE2D-4D9F-82F0-1B4FA6E924CD.jpeg 0E0360BE-0B27-4E3E-86BF-1AF594F27F64.jpeg 8FA54122-8FA2-4E7A-9858-03A59DF3F1C0.jpeg 8F16EC48-9AA6-46BD-86F8-4E092D9B555D.jpeg 7A4CC3F9-715C-4A32-A039-7FC35448E760.jpeg
    sd0324, Colin_Fraser, Zim and 2 others like this.
  7. Scotty A Fixture

    Great references, thanks. Do you know if those buttons on the cuffs/forearm continue all the way round?
    Colin_Fraser likes this.
  8. Richie A Fixture

    Hi mate,
    I'm really looking forward to seeing your version, I've always been a great admirer of your work and style.
    (Still regually admire your piece in my cabinet)

    I would imagine he went together pretty swiftly with minimum work.

    As for the denison just find a good reference, no two where the same. The trick is unifying the colours together
    and there are a number of ways you could do that. Even good black and white period photo's can be used because
    if they are sharp enough you can determine the colours and pattern.
    Colin_Fraser and Nap like this.
  9. Richie A Fixture

    Here is a good example of a 1944 denison airborne smock.
    den1.png den2.png den3.png den4.png den5.png
    Colin_Fraser, Nap and Briggsy like this.
  10. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    First to answer Scotties question, no just the two button on the cuff.

    Not sure if this will help but when last I painted a Dennison I used Tamiya acrylics to paint the pattern. On many of these garments there is a bleed through where the colours overlap, using well thinned Tamiya acrylics using fairly quick brush strokes you can replicate this quite well. I guess the same can be achieved by alternately glazing the pattern into place.

    Cheers Simon
    Colin_Fraser, Scotty and Richie like this.
  11. Warren SMITH A Fixture

    Great figure and subject.. looking forward to seeing how this progresses..
    Colin_Fraser likes this.
  12. Colin_Fraser A Fixture

    Thanks all. That’s tons of help. I’m planning to use Scale Color tube acrylic and inks. Diluted inks should be perfect for the overlaid greens and browns. We shall see.

    Richie he went together very easily. I added too much chin strap and broke the chin cup when I tried to shorten and reposition it. An easy resculpt. I also added the Denison tail to the back of the jacket. I know a lot of men cut theirs off. I like the look.

    I’ll start soon and post updates as I proceed.

    Thanks again.

    Nap and Richie like this.
  13. gothicgeek A Fixture

    Nap, That's an old article of mine from many moons ago :)
  14. Nap Moderator

    Thanks for the details a fine reference

    Hope we might see more painting and posts from you

    Best wishes

    Colin_Fraser likes this.
  15. Colin_Fraser A Fixture

    A bit of work on the face and hands. Helmet undercoated. Denison rear tail added.

    That face is a beautiful sculpt of a stressed and tired para.

    image6.jpeg image8.jpeg image5.jpeg

    image9.jpeg image10.jpeg image3.jpeg
  16. Richie A Fixture

    Hi Colin,
    Great start mate. Just a pointer the left hand is actually gloved, but he's yours so do it your way.
    Looking forward to seeing more.
    Cheers Richie
    Colin_Fraser likes this.
  17. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    Nice start, I shall watch with interest.

    Cheers Simon
    Colin_Fraser likes this.
  18. Colin_Fraser A Fixture

    Thanks for that clarification. I thought he had a plaster on the back of his mitt. I’ll make the adjustment.

  19. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Awesome figure to work, Colin. I botched my Denison pattern and ran with it. It's a tough one to get your head around but looks like you've got this licked. Ruck On!
    Colin_Fraser likes this.
  20. Colin_Fraser A Fixture


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