Project Diary: Bornhöved 1227 A.D. - Two older minis


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Jan 10, 2012

Hey all,

welcome to the first part of my project diary in which I show an actual miniature. If you're wondering what this is, please check the prologue, in which I explain the idea and goals of the diary. At the bottom of that post, you will find a link to all parts of this series (constantly updated as soon as new parts are published).

Today, I want to highlight two figures that I have shown on the blog before - and which I painted long before thinking about that whole Bornhöved-themed project series. I will not go into much detail - historical or related to the miniature, as I have shown them before. But I thought they should be shown again to make sure that the project diary is "complete".

Knight of the City of Lübeck

The first one is a knight bearing the arms of the City of Lübeck. I painted that one a long while back some time in 2020... While the City of Lübeck mostly deployed citizen troops, I read somewhere that some cities also "hired" noblemen to fight on their side. I have no idea whether those knights would actually have worn the colors of the cities, but I liked the idea and wanted to practice my freehand skills a bit, so I decided to give this knight a livery sporting the Lübeck coat of arms. If you want to read more on this mini, and see some more pics, please follow this link.

Otto I, the Child

The second mini is a portrait of one of the protagonists of the Battle of Bornhöved, Otto I, nicknamed 'the Child', the Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg. He was a nephew of King Valdemar II's and fought on the Danish side during the 1227 battle. You can actually see Otto's relationship to the Danish crown from his standard: blue lions on yellow ground with the red hearts were Valdemar's royal coat of arms. During the battle, Otto was captured and had to spend one and a half years in captivity of Heinrich, Count of Schwerin, before he was released in January 1229 for a hefty ransom. Again, please follow the link if you want to learn a bit more on Otto and the mini project.

Both projects are also on Putty & Paint if you feel like leaving a vote: Lübeck Knight and Otto the Child.

Thanks for your interest. Talk soon!


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