Poste-militaire Vs Pegaso! (old Vs New)


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Apr 8, 2012
I think this will be my first 'Thread', on here!... However, I was wondering about your thoughts, on which of these two, are the better ?. I have a couple of kits from each!... But I always seem to struggle with assembling the 'Pegaso', figures, which I feel require a heck of a lot more filling/sanding, and even pinning!, than the, Poste-Militaire figures.(Original) Do you think that the quality control at 'Pegaso', has taken a dip?.. Or have I been spoilt, by starting with a 'Poste-Militaire', and their friendly construction?... If so, why haven't Pegaso, picked up on this, they cost enough!
So, I have been spoilt,... Bugger!.....Some, cursing to follow. Just picked up a 'Pegaso' 90mm Mounted Templar knight!.. Horrendous fitting....
I can't provide any comparison as I have not done a Pegaso figure.......yet, but on the two Poste Militaire figs that I've done there were no worries. All parts just snuggled right in.

So, I have been spoilt,... Bugger!.....Some, cursing to follow. Just picked up a 'Pegaso' 90mm Mounted Templar knight!.. Horrendous fitting....
The larger parts take longer to cool once out of the mould and tend to distort slightly if removed to early and allowed to cool, had this on several larger scale metal kits.

Tommi,.. Thanks for the 'Extra', stencils... I was over the moon, with all of them. (Crusader 4), I'd give you a big hug,.. but you know how neighbours can be LOL!
Tommi,.. Thanks for the 'Extra', stencils... I was over the moon, with all of them. (Crusader 4), I'd give you a big hug,.. but you know how neighbours can be LOL!
Ha HA no problem my friend, my wife knows how to look after our customers:D good luck with the pegaso kit and look foward to seeing some results here soon.
I've not built any of the recent Pegaso releases or any Post Miltaire figures but the majority of the Pegaso figures I have made have gone together pretty well and I have always been impressed with the engineering involved to minimise join lines. Earlier this year I finished their 75mm Roaming Knight mounted piece and apart from having a lot of parts it was a joy to put together-in a jigsaw like way :)
Having painted pretty much all of the original stuff of Rays, and a few of Pegasos, I can honestly say that I have never had a single problem with a PM figure but cannot say the same for Pegaso. I suppose it comes from being able to visit Ray and Norma, enjoy a cup of tea and a chat while the figures were inspected and packed whilst looking at his own past works. Great stuff. Also, you have to take into account the volume of kits Pegaso produce compared to what PM made.
I would offer also that PM were far better value for money then, and continue to be so under the Bonapartes banner.

Which leads nicely onto my original question! If Ray Lamb, (Poste Militaire), got the casting and quality bang on! in the 80's. Why! are there, these casting problems, in 2012? Unless 'Pegaso's. quality control has gone 'belly-up'. This seemed to have happened in the late 90's with 'Verlinden', ..... Is mass production/demand, over-taking quality?..
Hi TN, I think you have, in part at least, answered your own question. In my opinion, Pegaso are too successful for their and our benefit. Quality at PM was paramount and strictly adhered to. To be fair to Pegaso, I do not have experience of what their QC procedures entail but, I would guess, it is in the region of 5 in every 100 kits inspected, but to what degree I cannot say. Personally, I believe that if Ray were in business today, and as successful as Pegaso there would be people asking similar questions of PM. So, yes, I do honestly believe quantity is directly linked to quality. Where price is concerned it puzzles me as quantity is usually linked to lower prices. Is it not?

@ JonP,.... I looked at this figure!.. Very impessive, but wished it was 90mm!... But I suspect, as Tommi indicated, the larger scales seem to have more casting problems.
I can only speak as I find but as a rule it's the smaller folks that do indeed give better service and QC clearly it easier for them but that does not excuse the lax service and quality from what should be class leaders. It's not just manufacturers either a certain UK firm possibly the biggest out there on my only contact with them ensured they will never get a penny from again, whereas the likes of SK Models and Steve Readdie go out of their way to be helpful.
I think the problem of Pegaso and all the other large publishers is that they present every month 3 -5 innovations and the quality is automatically lost.

Sometimes less is more!


Ron, your absolutley right in what your saying. But, you knew Ray, personally, if his company grew as successful, as 'Pegaso'. He would strike me as a person who would further invest in Q/Control. rather than let an established name become 'Tarred', with a 'That-Will-do', type of approach. I also agree that quantity is linked with lower prices, so again 'Pegaso', seem to be missing this aspect. Quality being questioned! Quantity, gets the vote, where as the price seems unchanged.
Helm, Ive noted that our 'Kentish', friends have lowered their over-all price's, although the postage costs are still a bone of contention! me anyway.
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