PlanetFigure Supporter
At least you can do carpentry Ski I just make a mess and cut myself, often, still I never get asked to do DIY around the house!
Cheers Simon
Cheers Simon
Dang, Gentlemen, I'm tardy again! Thanks for the kind words, Gents. The cabinet is taking front stage right now, halfway done. I will post a pic when completed.
Cheers, Ski.
Tardy Mr Ski ....surely not looking forward to seeing the cabinet
...of course you could always paint whist waiting for cabinet glue to dry ...just saying
Happy Carpentry
Sorry, Mario, the pretty lil miss comes first, right?damn,I thought ,here is he with the point Du Hoc,it's done But NO, a cabinet,but it's also nice done Steve LOL
Simon, you can do this too, btw, ya just need the right tools, and I'm acutally missing a few, lol. I also love to make sawdust as a side hobby, btw. This comes from years of beating myself to death working construction before I became a "Professional Rugby Player", no pun intended, honestly. They run, we Ruck Over, cause Everyone knows football is for whimps!Wow, wonder what the postage for one of them from the States would be! I can only say if I made one Esher would probably use it for inspiration! Lovely cabinet. Cheers Simon
Hey, Simon, remember, a good carpenter knows how to hide his mistakes, HA! And then there's the old sayin, "It's cheaper to learn on someone elses material", or "I cut it three times and it's still too short." I suffer all those misgivings,Steve, nah even with the best tools in the world my best effort would come under the classification of "Bodge job", I think in my case it's genetic!
Great job as a Pro Rugby Player, I just played in the Army and second or third team at local level, with duties, exercises and deployment I couldn't guarantee to make it to every training session or game. Still I enjoyed a good run out and the opportunity for legal violence, well I was a prop!
Cheers Simon
Thank you, Ken!Great work on the figures and cabinet Steve! Both coming along nicely!Cheers, Ken
Lol, I value my bed enough to know nothing of mine will ever be placed inside this cabinet, HA! The dog houses are pretty chili this time of year, KevinLooks like there could be shelves to be fitted plenty of room for the your next project(s) Nap
It’s Finally Done!
The glass is in and the final top coat of Tung Oil is drying until Monday morning. Red Oak stained with Minwax Early American and sealed with Tung Oil.
Now it’s time to get back to the bunker and crank up the heat as I prep the oil palette.
Thanks for watchin. Cheers, Ski.