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Completed Critique PM Red Lancer

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by MattMcK., Aug 22, 2020.

  1. TERRYSOMME1916 A Fixture

    Great stuff a Poste Militaire on the work bench, I missed out on one of these on EBAY last year, tried to sqeeze the seller a little too hard and it went to the higher bid, however I have several other mounted Poste Militaire waiting on my retirement years but as you say these classic kits are scary and can test your skills not to mention the failing eyes, but crack on your assembly looks excellent, time to grab a wrist support and get painting.
    Nap and MattMcK. like this.
  2. Nap Moderator

    Hi Matt

    How have I missed this thread ...apologies ....this is a classic and it's great to see it being painted

    Always remember the plume was really good

    Sure your arm muscles will be a lot stronger after this

    Look forward to seeing more

    Following with interest

    Happy benchtime

  3. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    Starting out with the horse using Golden high-flow acrylic airbrushed on. Preshaded with a burnt umber/ sepia mix. Then black, burnt sienna, yellow ochre and white highlights, then an over spray of transparent brown. The colors in the pics are skewed by the blueish light in my spray booth; it’s got more of a chestnut shade overall. It will be a good base for the oils to come. Also rough sprayed the base and attached it to the plinth.
    B3AC52E3-6B0E-40EE-8BE7-97309A35DAD2.jpeg 4B2F4602-3CF3-4B97-884F-28CD7A347825.jpeg 663099AC-A256-4765-ACFA-6173B2FE5D12.jpeg 78DCF383-511D-4E31-A49F-538ABA9588AC.jpeg 0CF493CE-D441-4F60-AC68-E3D4B50FE40F.jpeg D63A4A84-43A0-4998-B63C-CDD2910A8FF3.jpeg
  4. Nap Moderator

    Hi Matt

    Thanks for the update interesting to see how it's all done

    Probably not the right time to say and it might be the angle of the pics but is the back right leg in the correct position ......looks as though it's too far out ??

    Base is going to look good

    Happy benchtime

  5. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    Yes, just the angle of the pics
    Nap likes this.
  6. Scott Sheltz Well-Known Member

    Coming along nicely!
  7. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    Back to school has made things busy here, but I finally finished with the acrylics on the horse and starting the oils today. I managed to drop it and broke that darned leg I pinned, so a third rod was added in the repair. Now all legs that have ground contact are drilled and have added rods and are epoxied to the base. This thing is a beast! FF87FC0E-D181-4765-B638-D39C76EED5FF.jpeg DAC106B8-563C-43DB-8E60-AAC2236FFA8B.jpeg 5D4CAD8E-F74F-4DAD-B6B5-9C688F76E2DE.jpeg 558B166C-3694-4FFE-8B1F-9900388D17BB.jpeg
    malc, Oda, Blind Pew and 8 others like this.
  8. Scott Sheltz Well-Known Member

    Looks good. Coming along nicely even with the repair
  9. Nap Moderator

    Hi Matt

    Great repair work ...might be a beast but that head has masses of details ...looking good .....will you put a shine on the eyes ?

    Thanks for sharing

    Happy benchtime

  10. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    Absolutely! I’ve decided to rest it on a folded towel to paint. So I can only work the shading one area at a time. Eventually I’ll get there :)
    Nap likes this.
  11. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    Back-to- school has been taking the wind out of my sails, but a little progress on the horse.

    50A51BD9-C47E-4A92-B7D7-969A10596C2D.jpeg FAAEA8E3-C46B-4AFE-AADE-A855AB494357.jpeg
    Fransab, DaddyO, Blind Pew and 7 others like this.
  12. Nap Moderator


    Great progress shots on this piece ...the eyes look good as does the tongue and blaze

    Thanks for sharing

    Happy bench-time

    MattMcK. likes this.
  13. TERRYSOMME1916 A Fixture

    Matt that's the way to do it just keep shunting it along, you say little progress but its progress and its good.
    MattMcK. likes this.
  14. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    A little progress on the trim...

    malc and oldtrousers like this.
  15. ivopreda A Fixture

    great choice... a great kit ...I did mine in the 1989... for a figure sorted in that years

    malc, Erbay, Tonton and 7 others like this.
  16. Cannonball A Fixture

    Progressing really nicely Matt. Lovely work on the horse.

  17. Nap Moderator

    Hi Matt

    That trim is coming along very nicely ...how are you achieving the look ?

    Happy benchtime

  18. Blind Pew A Fixture

    This is looking excellent already. Sorry to hear about the accident. Hopefully it'll make the finished article more satisfying.
    Nap likes this.
  19. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    Burnt umber and burnt sienna mix for the dark with some cad yellow, and cad yellow light deepened with yellow ochre for the midrange. I’m undecided if there should be a blue pinstripe in the groove, as Ivopreda did in his above, or whether it should stay simply a shadow in the yellow. Thoughts?
  20. ivopreda A Fixture

    there was a blu trim between the different laces... laces were sewed over the basic blu tissue
    MattMcK. and Nap like this.

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