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Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by John Long, Dec 24, 2003.

  1. Pete_H New Member

    What's wrong with it? It looks great.
  2. Joe Hudson Well-Known Member


    I agree with everyone else, Great work and I can't wait to see it in Atlanta!

  3. Joe Hudson Well-Known Member


    I agree with everyone else, Great work and I can't wait to see it in Atlanta!

  4. John Long Active Member

    Thanks for the compliments guys. They are most appreciated.

    Mostly, I'm not happy with the blending and definition of the flesh. I had difficulty with the border, and detected some flaws in the sculpted finish after the painting had begun in earnest. I guess mostly I'm trying to achieve a higher standard. Don't get me wrong, I like it. If I hated it I would redo it. I just don't love it. I like to get that figure painter's high like I get when something comes off better than you expected (like the Michael Roberts 33rd Alabama).
  5. John Long Active Member

    Thanks for the compliments guys. They are most appreciated.

    Mostly, I'm not happy with the blending and definition of the flesh. I had difficulty with the border, and detected some flaws in the sculpted finish after the painting had begun in earnest. I guess mostly I'm trying to achieve a higher standard. Don't get me wrong, I like it. If I hated it I would redo it. I just don't love it. I like to get that figure painter's high like I get when something comes off better than you expected (like the Michael Roberts 33rd Alabama).
  6. garyjd Well-Known Member

    John, Very nice paintjob. Wish I knew what a "painter's high" was like. I'm lucky if I know what a paintbrush even looks like. One day I will start to paint my scratchbuilt "gray army". Again very nice John, I enjoy seeing your work.~Gary
  7. garyjd Well-Known Member

    John, Very nice paintjob. Wish I knew what a "painter's high" was like. I'm lucky if I know what a paintbrush even looks like. One day I will start to paint my scratchbuilt "gray army". Again very nice John, I enjoy seeing your work.~Gary
  8. yeo_64 Well-Known Member

    Excellent job,John (y) (y) Kenneth.
  9. yeo_64 Well-Known Member

    Excellent job,John (y) (y) Kenneth.
  10. John Long Active Member

    Thanks all. It's a project I've been wanting to do for a while.

    Gary, I would like to see some painted work coming from your bench. It seems that someone (Larry Lee?) told me they had seen some and that it was very good.
  11. John Long Active Member

    Thanks all. It's a project I've been wanting to do for a while.

    Gary, I would like to see some painted work coming from your bench. It seems that someone (Larry Lee?) told me they had seen some and that it was very good.

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