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WIP Pegaso's 75 mm late Roman 'Decurio Equites Legionis'.

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by rossbach, Feb 15, 2018.

  1. rossbach PlanetFigure Supporter

    Hello all,

    2 quick Phone pics of the nearly finished base for Pegaso's 'Decurio Equites Legionis' in 75 mm.

    Since I read that research has shown that Romans as well as the Greeks painted almost everything (including statues) I couldn't resist having a go at the pillar that is supplied with the kit for the figure to lean on.

    So next time you visit a Roman archeological site try to forget the white and grey you see before you.

    When the structures whose remnants you are visiting you were build 2000 years ago, they were painted in all colours of the Rainbow :D

    Just imagine what a Roman city must have looked like colourwise!

    Some pictures of the figure in progress. Have to say this figure gave me a lot of trouble. Probably because I had an old cast. As you can see from the pics I resculpted detail on the helmet (padding/embossing) and gave him a pair of trousers. The lorica squamata was a nightmare. Rough pebbled surface. I ended up buying a second figure which was marginally better cast.

    Anyway: pics of the head that is almost finished and the main body. If you click on 'show in original' you get the pics the right way up and you can blow them up. Cheers Paul

    20180312_185807.jpg 20180312_185817.jpg 20180401_150759.jpg 20180430_211531.jpg 20180430_211543.jpg 20180430_211556.jpg 20180430_220929.jpg 20180430_220943.jpg 20180430_220952.jpg 20180430_211803.jpg


    20180214_194253 (002).jpg
    Nicolaos, Oda, Martin64 and 4 others like this.
  2. megroot A Fixture

    Gonna look forward to the painted figure on this stunning base.

    rossbach and napoleonpeart like this.
  3. Nap Moderator

    Looking good Paul and very colourful indeed

    It's amazing the colour in Roman buildings as you say

    Oda and rossbach like this.
  4. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter

    Looking forward to your take on this one, not a period I am familiar with.
    Oda, rossbach and napoleonpeart like this.
  5. Nap Moderator


    Bob ....great figure eh ! ...but didn't you say you joined up with Maximus ...LOL

    Nap ...off to hide !
    Oda, rossbach, Joe55 and 1 other person like this.
  6. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter

    He was my platoon Sgt.
    rossbach, Joe55 and napoleonpeart like this.
  7. Joe55 A Fixture

    Liking what I'm seeing Paul! I know its gonna be sweet (y)!

    rossbach and Viking Bob like this.
  8. Joe55 A Fixture

    We used to make fun of an ole Sergeant Major we had. That he was so old, that he was a road guard for the three wise men :wideyed:!

  9. Oda A Fixture

    Paul this is a taste of great things to come.When you couple your painting skills (and boy are they some great skills) with classical antiquity subjects then I know we are all in for a treat.We share this taste for the classic and I am so looking forward to seeing this painted.Quite right about Greek and Roman architecture too.Colour was everywhere and I mean everywhere and yet I cannot help but being perplexed by how many modellers just keep on painting all ancient Greek subjects with white tunics (red for Romans) and I don't even want to start commenting on the linothorax.....all white with red pipings....invariably...for all hoplites!!!!So come on mate,set the record straight and amaze us with another of your highly artistic stunners.

    Nicolaos, Viking Bob and rossbach like this.
  10. Nicolaos Well-Known Member

    It looks already very, very promising, keep the good work and have a lot of inspiration!
    Oda and rossbach like this.

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