PART 1 - Artists/illustrators


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Not having seen this thread since before my great absence, I had forgotten about it. Going through it again I am amazed at how good it is. It shouldn't be a thread, but should be upgraded to a forum in it's own right (with Index) .
Best wishes, Gary.
PS John Bauer and William Hogarth?.


Ihave spoken to Admin this is being done at the weekend permitting so watch out for the announcement

I've been watching this list growing steadily and thought it might be helpful to compile it alphabetically.
I haven't attempted to include accents, but have tried to remove quite a few duplications that have appeared along the way.
Hope this helps:-

Achilleos, Chris
Albertini, Giorgio
Albright, Ivan
Archer, Peter
Arthur, Ribieroģ
Aslanger, Kamil
Auge, Jean5
Bairnsfather, Bruceyb
Baker, Alix
Bassett Powell, Bruce
Bauer, John Albert
Becker, Carl
Beliaev, Sashay
Benigni, Pierreù
Berne-Bellecour, Louis-Prosper
Bligny, Albert
Bodmer, Karl
Boutigny, Paul Emile
Brandani, Massimo
Brandt, Jozef
Breville (J.O.B.), Jacques-Marie-Gaston Onfery de
Bruch, Oskar
Bueno, Jose Maria
Cabrera Pena, Jose Daniel
Campbell, James N
Cederstrom, Gustaf
Cenni, Quinto
Chalmers, Sir George
Chappell, Mike
Chelminski, Jan van
Churms, Mark
Clauzel, Jose Ferre
Connolly, Peter
Conrad, Pierre
Courcelle, Patrice
Crofts, Ernest
Crofts R.A., Ernest
Crosio, Luigi
Cross, Roy
Cueto, Dionisio Alvarez
Dadd, Frank
Dalmau, Augusto Ferrer
David, Jacques Louis
Deitz, James N
Delaistre, Jacques-Antoine
Dennis, Peter
Detaille, Edouard Jean Baptiste
Detti, Cesar Auguste
'Draner', actually Jules Jean Georges Renard
Duran, Emile Auguste Carolus
Dzis, Igor
Fiorentino, Massimo
Fitzpatrick, Jim
Fortesque Brickdale, Eleanor
Fosten, Bryan
Frazetta, Frank
Funcken, Liliane & Fred
Gaul, Wiliam Gilbert
Gembarzewski, Bronislaw
Gerard, Francois
Gheyn, Jacob de
Giannopoulos, Christos
Girbal, Jack
Gorelik, Mikhael V.
Griffing, Robert
Grolleron, Paul Louis Narcisse
Harding, Georges
Hatton, Brian
Hele, Ivor
Henningsen, Frants
Hildebrandt, The brothers
Hillhouse, Andrew
Hoffmann, Anton
Hogarth, William
Huen, Victor
Hunten, Emil
Induno, Dominico
Induno, Gerolamo
Jablonski, Marcin
Joy, George William
Kiel, Lev Ivanovich
Knotel, Richard
Koekkock, Hermanus Willem
Kossak, Wojciech
Kozik, Mariusz
Krenkel, Roy G.
Kunstler, Mort
Kyd (cigarette cards)
Lalaise, Francois Hippolyte
Lalauze, Alphonse
Larwin, Johann Hans
Le Blant, Julien
Lee, Alan
Lejeune, Louis Francois
Leliepvre, Eugene
Leloir, Maurice
Leroux, Pierre Albert
Letrun, Ludovic
Longstaff, Will
Louis, Rene
Lyles, Kevin
Madison, James N
Madyol, Jacques
Mann, David
Marrion, R J
Matania, Fortunino
Matejko, Jan
Maud, W T
Mauldin, Bill
McBarron, H. Charles
McBride, Angus
McCarthy, Frank
McConnell, James Edwin
McGregor, Malcolm
Meissonier, Jean-Louis-Ernest
Menshenin, Vladimir
Menzel, Adolf
Millais, John Everett
Miller, A E Haswell
Moltzheim, Auguste de
Monge, Jean Baptiste
Morawski, Ryszard
Morel, Charles
Morrier, David
Neuville, Alphonse de
Novarese, Vittorio Nino
Orange, Maurice
Outeiral, Pablo
Overand, William H.
Payne, Henry Joseph
Pericoli, Ugo
Petrov, Sergey
Philippoteaux, Henri Felix Emmanuel
Pinar, Rocio Espin
Pippich, Karl
Pock, Alexander
Printz, Hans
Prior, Melton
Rackham, Arthur
Rava, Giuseppe
Reeves, Rick
Remington, Frederic
Reynolds, Sir Joshua
Riccardi di Gaudesi, Andrea
Rigo (le Plumet),
Riley, John
Ripart, Georges
Rocco, Keith
Rochling, Carl
Rogers, Gilbert
Rousselot, Lucien
Rowlands, Dave
Roya, Louis
Salas, Delfin
Sargent, John Singer
Scollins, Rick
Scott, Georges
Sell, Christian
Shishkin, Andrey Alekseevich
Shumate, Johnny
Simkin, Richard
Simonsen, Niels
Sohn, Carl Rudolph
Stadden, Charles
Stallion, Bill
Szeib, Miroslaw
Szyszko, Marek
Telenik, Anatoly
Tenniel, John
Terpning, Hoard
Thomason, Jr.., John W.
Thompson, Elizabeth (Lady Butler)
Titeux, Eugene
Tritt, Wolfgang
Troiani, Don
Turner, Graham
Turner, Pierre
Vallet, Louis
Vargas, Alberto
Vernet, Horace
Vesin (Yaroslav Veshin), Jaroslav Frantisek Julius
Viotti, Andrea
Volstad, Ron
Vryzakis, Theodoros
Vuksic, Velmir
Walker, James Alexandre
Werner, Anton von
West, Benjamin
Whitelocke-Lloyd, William
Wilke, K.A.
Woodville Jr., Richard Caton
Wrobel, Jarolav
Yezhov, Aleksandr
Yorke, David
Younghusband, Bill
Zgonnik, Dmytro
Zuber, Ted

Anything in blue has been added since this original post.


Please add
Begnini (pupil of Detaille).
Anderson Douglas N.
Examples to follow from Anderson the others are already posted.
Douglas N Anderson has been added.
Pierre Benigni was already on the list. However, it did have a superfluous 'u' on the end of 'Pierre' :(. That has been corrected.
J.O.B. was also on the list under his actual name of 'Breville'. I've added 'J.O.B.' with the necessary reference.

Douglas n Anderson


Thanks Andrew
I didn't spot a 'Job' done properly :D

Here you are another great artist, whose paintings refer to the greco-italian war of the WWII. His name is Alexandros Alexandrakis.
In World War II, which in Greece is called the Greco-Italian War, Alexandrakis and his five brothers were called to military duty to the Greek-Albanian borders. He found himself in the high mountainous area of 'Pindos' where he served as corporal. Inspired by his situation, he sketched and painted his memories in a series of artworks that made him popular in Greece in the post-war years. A collection of them was published in 1968 with the title 'Thus we fought' (original in Greek: Έτσι πολεμούσαμε).

image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg
Hi Roger,
Those are some really nice paintings mate, I love the lighting effects on all three. You and your Greek themes are rubbing off on me and I've had to put on the Guns of Navarone to quench my thirst.:)
Hi Roger,
Those are some really nice paintings mate, I love the lighting effects on all three. You and your Greek themes are rubbing off on me and I've had to put on the Guns of Navarone to quench my thirst.:)

I think the falconer is actually an Albanian but to be fair the border at the time was a bit "fluid". :D
You'd better put Norman Wisdom on.
the falconer would be a great piece to realize.

This is another version of the same author

il falconiere.PNG
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