Painting gunmetal and leather...


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May 27, 2006
Hello everyone,

I remember seeing some good information on simulating gunmetal and leather but can't seem to locate the posts. Does anyone have any information or advice on this matter, or perhaps a link that will help? I will be using Floquil RR acrylics, Liquitex artist acrylics, and W&N oils, and will be working in 1/35 scale. I am trying to avoid the" metallic" paints for gunmetal, as I feel they look a bit garish in smaller scales. I am also curious as to the techniques for simulating both black, and brown leather-fairly weathered in appearance. Thanks in advance for any help on this matter.

I use both the Floquil enamels and acrylics and use the same technique for both for gun metal.

Base coat the item in gun metal.......mix a 4 to 1 wash of black and apply......after wash has dried lightly drybrush floquil "Old Silver" over the gun metal.

Leather I use Humbrol leather........mix black wash and apply........after drying mix Humbrol leather with a little white and dry brush lightly over the area.

There are so many different techniques that other members will give......the above was just 1......mine ;)
Here's my method using acrylics,

Gunmetal; Base coat black, wash with dark brown. When dry I rub a pencil on sandpaper and with a soft brush apply the residue left on the sandpaper to the "metal" areas, almost like drybrushing.

My weathering of leather is similar to Guy's except sometimes I drybrush with flesh


Thanks for the information on painting gunmetal and leather, I look forward to experimenting with these techniques when my Dragon/DML figures arrive. Your input is very much appreciated on this matter.
