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"Paintathon" with WW2 German from Stormtroopers V12 range

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Nap, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. pmfs A Fixture

    Looks very nice SG!

  2. Nap Moderator

    Hi SG ...its coming along .....I have just finished work ..tired but looking at my bust the scar looks fine now its all settled ...will be at Jimbo's on a painting day so will do updates when I get back .

    Looking forward to seeing more from your pices

    crf likes this.
  3. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,

    Finally managed to get a couple of pictures...

    A 010.jpg A 013.jpg A 011.jpg A 012.jpg

    ...................still tired from work ...going to start the Meyer cap next ...and will probably revist the coat as well then its "just" the epaulettes etc ...and nameplate (on order!!) ...will post more pics tommorow .hopefully................

    Oh and by the way our cooker is now not working !!!!!!(n)

    Happy days at least I have my modelling (y) !!!!...Ooops that should read to include my wife as well:facepalm:

  4. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,

    Bit of an update been working on the cap ...looks a lot better in the flesh!!!! ......
    kev 007.jpg
    ......then I had another look at the epaulettes and out came the knife ..off came my fingers together with the epaulettes and Iformed the basic shape with lead foil , then using magisculpt ...did the lacework , button , the pip and added the 2 bars .......
    kev 008a.jpg
    well I couldn't resist it SG;) .......coming along now ...just need to let the epaulettes harden then out with the brushes again .

    Thanks for looking in

    Sturm Grenadier and Mark Dollery like this.
  5. Mark Dollery Well-Known Member

    Hi Nap, now that's nice, keep on going, it's looks great! :)
    Mark D ;)
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  6. Sturm Grenadier Well-Known Member

    DSC02251.JPG DSC02258.JPG 70445-1001-3ww-l.jpg Hello Everyone, Its been a crazy weekend for me. After work Saturday, I took out my airbrush, hooked it up to the compresser, and nothing!!! I'ts broke. So I had to paint the face with a brush. I really dont use my airbrush that much anyway, don't do armor models anymore. The face is just base coated with Vallejo Flat Flesh #955. I wanted to have the bust looking more to the left, so I tried to paint the eyes in this way, Still more to do on them. I also drilled a hole on his mouth for a cigarette. I painted the eyes from a formula in the Color Mixing Recipes book, photo 3. Picked this up at the Craft store Friday. There are 7 different colors for the eyes alone. An excellent reference, I highly recommend it. I used a brown color, and will probably paint his hair a brown color also. To many blond haired, blue eyed german figures/busts out there. I painted the face with some new Humbrol paint brushes. Under $10 dollars, for a pack of 4 assorted brushes, good points, and they cover really good. I'm thinking of adding some color to the cap, before I add shadows, and highlights to the face. That's where I'm at for now, more to follow. Regards, SG:)
    napoleonpeart, Tarracus and pmfs like this.
  7. Sturm Grenadier Well-Known Member

    Hello Nap, Hey, only my guy was up for promotion!!! No problem Nap, the shoulder boards look great. I was going to detail mine the same way, but after the hat strap, just went with what was there. Excellent detailing on the boards Nap, great work. Regards, SG:)(y)(y)
  8. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,

    Mark ,
    Thanks for the comment ..hope to nail this one after work ..painting every night this week..if I stay awake....

    SG ,
    Looking good , I have been on the look out for that book looks really good with lots of info ..there is also this one which looks interesting as well[IMG]

    , like what you have done with the eyes ....

    Sorry if I grabbed your idea ....couldn't resist ...wish I could have used PE though !!!!

    Looking forward to more from everyone ...............when they are all finished we can post completed pics in another thread to see them all together .

    Happy modelling

    Sturm Grenadier likes this.
  9. pmfs A Fixture

    SG, I like the way you paint the eyes.

  10. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,

    How are we all getting on ..I have had a harrowing week with work :nailbiting: ....managed to fall asleep :eek: driving down to a club AGM...turned back home too risky....but I am ok!!!

    Off to a show today but here is an update ...stripped back the cap and neckcloth and repainted it ...lot happier , epaulettes basecoated , facing colour to go in ...will probably go for NMM on the lacework ...greatcoat all done , button ribbon done , scarf now white ...nice contrast (ran away from a camo version!!!;)) .

    Planning to get this finished in next day or so ..nameplate should be on its way !!!

    Pics to follow after after I get back!!!!

  11. pmfs A Fixture

    Still lazy here.:shy:

    napoleonpeart likes this.
  12. Sturm Grenadier Well-Known Member

    DSC02272.JPG Hello Everyone, Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, been dealing with the flu. Also now have a new shift at work, so I'm trying to get used to a new schedule. I decided to go ahead and add the shadows to the face, but didn't like the results I was getting, it seemed a little to dark. I tried to cut this back with my base color, but it wouldn't cover the shadows at all. So I had no choice, re-paint the face. This time I used Humbrol #61 Flat Flesh, the base coat I usually use for oils. It covered all the undesirable shadow areas really well. I then applied a thin coat of Vallejo #845 Sunny Skintone to the face, since I want to use Acrylics for this piece. I like the combination of these two colors for a summer time base coat, hopefully I'll have better luck with it. I also had to re-do the eyes, still alot of work to do on them. I base coated the eye sockets with Vallejo #928 Light Flesh. I still need to touch-up the iris and pupil on both eyes, and maybe change the color a bit. Sorry to be the "Tail end Charlie" in the Paintathon, but other priorities are really keeping me from the bench. I'm still in though, and plan to get more work done this week. Regards, SG(y)
  13. Eludia A Fixture

    Hey guys,

    I'm still watching this thread, all looking good.

    Just for info, I picked up this at the weekend:

    http://www.amazon.co.uk/Color-Mixin...93882615&sr=8-1&keywords=Color mixing recipes

    I believe it's the omnibus of all three colour mixing books (the two already mentioned plus another one on landscapes). Never thought I'd enjoy looking through a book of colour chips...but I did....for hours. I especially liked the sections on eyes and hair.

    I'm itching to get into oils now.

    Keep up the good work ;)
  14. Eludia A Fixture

    Oh, and there are some very good mixes in the landscape section...no really.

  15. Sturm Grenadier Well-Known Member

    DSC02297.JPG DSC02301.JPG DSC02294.JPG Hello Everyone, Just a quick update. I've done a little reshaping of the eyes, still need to add a shadow to the top of the eye sockets. I did the eyes with Jo Sonja Burnt Sienna, and Raw Sienna, at a 1:1 ratio. The pupils are Jo Sonja Carbon Black. I also added a catch light to the eyes at the 2 o'clock position with Vallejo #928 Light Flesh. Next will be the face shadows, again. This is a very challenging face to paint, its very round, and really doesn't have many facial wrinkles. That's the way it goes sometime. Will post soon, when I have some tones on the face. Regards, SG:)
  16. Nap Moderator

    Hi SG ,

    Thats looking good really like the position of the eyes , you are right about the face being round ..challenging to paint .

    Its been a hard week or 2 so not too much has ben done ..I will be posting updates today ...nearly finished mine !!!

    Thanks for updates

  17. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,
    Bit of an update from me ..with pictures (not the best ..all is matted down) ) as well all I have left to do is the cap strap , the belt and buckle , the epaulettes, the buttons and thats me done ...waiting for the nameplate !!!

    I reworked the cap...again:facepalm: ;

    Base : Panzer Aces 324 French Tanker

    Shadows: Base + 841 Burnt Umber

    Highs: Base + Panzer Aces 345 Splinter Cam

    High Highs: Highs + W & N Water soluable Titanium White
    kev 008.jpg kev 009.jpg kev 011.jpg kev 010.jpg
    Mark Dollery and Sturm Grenadier like this.
  18. Sturm Grenadier Well-Known Member

    DSC02310.JPG DSC02308.JPG DSC02309.JPG Hello Everyone, I finally had a chance to start the shadows, and highlights on the face. Still a way to go, only a few dark shadows laid in. I started with the medium shadows, and medium highlights. I'll post the colors I used on the face when its finished. I wish this face was a separate piece to the bust, it would have made it easier to paint. This is the first time I'm using acrylics in this scale, I like them, but still have a lot to learn before I feel comfortable using them. More updates soon. Regards, SG:)
    Mark Dollery and napoleonpeart like this.
  19. Nap Moderator

    Hi SG ,

    Thanks for the update ..1st for Acrylics eh ..good choice ..are you using a retarder to give you a longer working time for blending ? (I use W & N blending medium)

    Mine was worked on a bit so close to finishing ..buckle to do and eapulettes ....had a painting day so did a red tunic on the next in line ..needed a break after all the WW2 colours !!!

    Thanks for sharing

  20. Mark Dollery Well-Known Member

    Looks like we are all coming together nicely! Top work Guys, :)
    Mark D

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