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"Paintathon" with WW2 German from Stormtroopers V12 range

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Nap, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. Nap Moderator

    Hi SG ,

    Nice update ...I sanded my epaulettes down ....still just one pip but I also like the Officer Candidate bars ...is there always 1 or 2 ....or did it depend how far he had got in his officer training ?

    Off to the show now so hopefully I can paint the flesh ..or at least get a start ..inbetween me talking !!!

    Happy modelling

  2. Sturm Grenadier Well-Known Member

    Hello Nap, The candidate bars were worn as a single one for NCO school, or double ones, for Officers school. The Officers bars were worn at first with 2 single bars, but were changed to a longer single bar with a separation stripe down the middle later in the war. Regards, SG:)
    napoleonpeart and pmfs like this.
  3. Nap Moderator

    Morning everyone ,

    Well its update time ..verbally ...I will take some pics and get them on after work!!!!

    Worked on the face ....was going well and looking good then clumsy fingers knocked the cigarette out ....scratching the cheek:facepalm: so that has now gone to the carpet monster ...filled the hole ( well Pedro had his doubts anyway about the cigarette!!!!) and then thought I know I will give him a nice scar ...and unshaven ...well thats what I have done ..a scar on the lover right cheek by his mouth and very 5 o'clock shadow ...a battle veteran if ever ther was one!!!!!

    Off now to put the final highs on the face and the redo the coat collar , then its the scarf ...reckon I might go for a white no ( easy option I know but a good contrast) .

    Hope everyone else is getting on ok .....still really enjoying this ..just wish work didn't get in the way !!!

    Happy modelling

  4. pmfs A Fixture

    Hi folks!

    The lazy came over me:bored: the NCO is waiting for some inspiration to finished him.
    Nap, good to know the cigar accident.:oops:

  5. swralph A Fixture

    All good stuff(y)
  6. Jazz A Fixture

    This is a great thread. I love anything that gets old Nap excited. And he certainly looks excited on this thread. Careful though, at his age it gets a bit risky.
  7. Sturm Grenadier Well-Known Member

    DSC02214.JPG DSC02215.JPG ss-boards-pair-1.jpg Hello Everyone, Sorry that I was unable to post update photos this past weekend, household priorities kept me from the bench. I had to change the way I wanted to do the shoulder boards. I was planning to do the Officer Candidate boards with Miliput, which I tried to do, but it kept breaking on me, couldn't get it thin enough, so I just used some index card for them. Since I used the paper stock for the boards, I finished final cleanup and gave the bust a good wash with resin cleaner before I applied them. I used rank pips from an old 120mm figure, made of resin. At the end of the board, I added the the horizontal strip to the higher rank nco board with a small piece of photo-etch, as in the third photo. I also want to add a rough texture to the collar of the motorcycle coat, to simulate the wool material a little better, and then paint it that way. I've been very impressed by the way other members have done this, and want to give it a try. On a disappointing note, the base I wanted to use with this bust, is no longer available. If I can't find something similar, I was thinking of using a Dremel tool on the stand that's attached to the bust, and give it a stone-like appearance, and then just use a base in my stash. Then prime and paint. I'll post some photos of the rough texture collar, and stand before I prime the bust. Regards, SG:)
    Mark Dollery, pmfs and Wings5797 like this.
  8. Mark Dollery Well-Known Member

    well, you guys have been busy whilst I finished my dio, so I am playing a bit of catch up.
    Nap, sounds like you had a bit of a time with this bust but no pain, no gain, :facepalm: & looking forward to the pictures.
    Sturmy, you like to challenge yourself, but the shoulder boards looks great, :)
    Pedro, hope you get your mojo back soon as I want to see it finished as you have done a good job so far & it would be a shame not to cross the finishing line when you are so close..o_O
    I will just get on with the painting as I need to start another bust for a mag, so pictures hopefully tomorrow, here we go again....;)
    Mark D
  9. pmfs A Fixture

    Mark, is there a deadline to finish the project?
    I will finish the NCO until the end of February.

  10. Mark Dollery Well-Known Member

    hi Pedro, I'm not sure, :unsure:
    we will have to ask the gaffer, Nap, over to you, bro,
    Mark D (y)
    pmfs likes this.
  11. Sturm Grenadier Well-Known Member

    51571c.jpg DSC02217.JPG DSC02218.JPG Hello Everyone, Another update. I just added the first coat of rough texture to the motorcycle coat collar. I used a cut down old paintbrush and plastic cement, and just tapped the brush onto the collar until I got the result I was looking for. If you use this method with your figures/busts, please use a mask/respirator, and a pair of goggles. Also use in a well ventilated area. I did this texturing in the garage with an exhaust fan. Regards, SG:)
    mil-mart, Tarracus, pmfs and 2 others like this.
  12. Sturm Grenadier Well-Known Member

    Hello Pedro, I don't think Nap ever set one, at least I hope not.:nailbiting: I'm trying to get my details finished so I can get some painting started. Have you heard anything from Goetz? Regards, SG:)
  13. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,

    Great updates ..all is progressing well ...

    no deadline as such ...hopefully though the next 3 weeks approx ...I have so much half painted on my bench!!!!

    Mark..."gaffer" ..really I think not !!!!...has this been a challenge ...most definately ..think I will just paint the next "Paintathon" !!!

    Sturmy ...as always great work

  14. Nap Moderator


    Jazz ...what do you mean "at his age" !!!!!...am I excited ..sure am me old mucker

    Happy modelling

    Jazz likes this.
  15. Jazz A Fixture

    Sorry mate, couldn't resist it. :D
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  16. Sturm Grenadier Well-Known Member

    DSC02222.JPG DSC02223.JPG Hello Everyone, Just finished adding the stone-like texture to the stand that's attached to the bust. I decided to add it to the back of the bust as well. It makes the bust look it was chiselled from stone. I just wanted to do something different to the stand. I used a cutting ball bit in my Dremel tool, and just bounced it at different angles on the stand. The last thing I will do to the bust, is to drill a hole for the cigarette that I will add. Final cleaning and primer next. More to follow. Regards, SG
  17. Mark Dollery Well-Known Member

    Hey Guys, looks like someone's been busy...:)
    Hi Nap, looking forward to the pictures Mate! no pressure...:sneaky:
    Sturmy, love the mods you are doing..collar work is great & the base really sets it off...it will look good.(y)
    Well, here's mine,a bit of work with some blending & touching up but straight from the box & I am ready for the next job..:facepalm:

    mil-mart, Wings5797, crf and 3 others like this.
  18. Sturm Grenadier Well-Known Member

    Hello Mark, Some really great painting there my friend. Your Italian camo is spot on. I see you went with Panzer colors for the waffenfarbe, I still haven't decided on what branch colors I will use, Pedro used the recon ones already. I like your version of this bust, he really looks the part from the Normandy battles. Excellent work Mark, post a photo when you have him touched up. Regards, SG:)(y)(y)
  19. pmfs A Fixture

    Looks nice Mark!!! Well done mate!!!

  20. Sturm Grenadier Well-Known Member

    DSC02225.JPG DSC02233.JPG Hello Everyone, The bust has been primed with flat black, although it looks grey in the first photo. I like to let the primer dry for at least 2 days before I start to paint, so I'll try to post some WIP photos this weekend, along with the colors/paint I will use. Sorry about the photos, just quick shots. The flat black primer/paint I use is a high heat enamel, made by Rust-Oleum. Don't laugh, it really works well. It gives great coverage with 1 coat, doesn't hide detail, and don't have to worry about parts, and details warping under the lamp I use for drying the primed figure. I've used this primer alot, and have never had problems with coverage of any type of paint or oils. It drys dead flat also. Nap, still waiting to see your scar-faced version, sounds interesting. Pedro, and Mark, looking forward to your final touches on your versions also. I don't know if Goetz is still with us, hasn't posted in awhile? Stay tuned, more to come. Regards, SG;):)
    napoleonpeart likes this.

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