Afternoon all
I hope you are keeping safe and well
With the change in the weather to something less than 'meltingly hot' and a bit of time over the weekend I raided the grey army for a new project and decided to start work on this fella. It's a resin 60mm figure by La Meridiana and i got mine a while back from El Greco (Top service by the way)
I was very enthusiastic when it arrived in the post, but sadly it went onto the shelf soon after because the casting quality wasn't great (I've got a few La Meridiana figures and I really like the subjects they choose and the poses but they aren't the crisp sharp castings which we are so used to these days)
Mine had some very poor mould lines going along the arms and legs which needed filling and re-sculpting and the parts didn't fit together at all well requiring some putty work to re-build and fill. Anyway enough of the carping and onto what I've done so far.
You may remember when it was originally reviewed/seen here on PF that there was some discussion about the position of the slung musket getting in the way whilst leaping the fence. . . . I decided that ending up flat on your face was slightly less than the look which this chap was going for so I left the musket off and removed the cast on sling. I also carved away the necklaces since they were a bit soft in places and being cast onto the figure didn't allow them to show the sense of movement very well.
I pinned everything well and ran a long brass rod into the arm which extends well into the fence post to provide support which hopefully will keep him in the dynamic pose intended when carrying him about.
Once everything was glued together I set about it with Magic Sculpt filling in gaps and making good where I had carved off bits. I also corrected the pectoral shape on the raised arm (which should be more prominent given the raised axe) and added the scapular at the rear (which again would stick out more given the pose) A smear of putty on the other shoulder added some sharpness to muscles.
New necklaces and details were added with Duro and MS.
Final change to the figure was to add a new extended top rail to the fence from balsa so that he has something to leap over (The kit part is fine, albeit a bit short IMO)
Now pretty much ready for the primer

I hope you are keeping safe and well

With the change in the weather to something less than 'meltingly hot' and a bit of time over the weekend I raided the grey army for a new project and decided to start work on this fella. It's a resin 60mm figure by La Meridiana and i got mine a while back from El Greco (Top service by the way)
I was very enthusiastic when it arrived in the post, but sadly it went onto the shelf soon after because the casting quality wasn't great (I've got a few La Meridiana figures and I really like the subjects they choose and the poses but they aren't the crisp sharp castings which we are so used to these days)
Mine had some very poor mould lines going along the arms and legs which needed filling and re-sculpting and the parts didn't fit together at all well requiring some putty work to re-build and fill. Anyway enough of the carping and onto what I've done so far.
You may remember when it was originally reviewed/seen here on PF that there was some discussion about the position of the slung musket getting in the way whilst leaping the fence. . . . I decided that ending up flat on your face was slightly less than the look which this chap was going for so I left the musket off and removed the cast on sling. I also carved away the necklaces since they were a bit soft in places and being cast onto the figure didn't allow them to show the sense of movement very well.
I pinned everything well and ran a long brass rod into the arm which extends well into the fence post to provide support which hopefully will keep him in the dynamic pose intended when carrying him about.
Once everything was glued together I set about it with Magic Sculpt filling in gaps and making good where I had carved off bits. I also corrected the pectoral shape on the raised arm (which should be more prominent given the raised axe) and added the scapular at the rear (which again would stick out more given the pose) A smear of putty on the other shoulder added some sharpness to muscles.
New necklaces and details were added with Duro and MS.
Final change to the figure was to add a new extended top rail to the fence from balsa so that he has something to leap over (The kit part is fine, albeit a bit short IMO)
Now pretty much ready for the primer