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Discussion in 'Just starting...' started by Bryan, Jul 11, 2019.

  1. Bryan Member

    Just starting out on my figure painting journey.So ordering the following Alpine Miniatures
    35152 WWS Grenadier NCO And 35016 DAK Panzer Officer
    My concerns are finding the best reference guide to the correct colours Vallejo or are AK better
  2. arj A Fixture

    Try Calvin Tan's blog:-
    On the right, as you scroll down you'll find lots of information under 'Articles'.

    Bryan likes this.
  3. Bryan Member

    Many Thanks
  4. Babelfish A Fixture

    Welcome Bryan. Andrew's link is as good a place as any to start, but you'll also find plenty of guys on here ready to chime in with help & advice. You'll also probably be able to find a wealth of information just from browsing the site.

    Vallejo or AK? So many paints on the market these days that things can get confusing sometimes. Some guys swear by this brand or that brand, but basically whatever works for you is "best", there is no right or wrong.

    Just practice & practice some more, try out different paints and techniques, and learn by doing. You'll probably make some mistakes along the way (we all do!) but when it all comes together it's very satisfying.

    Have fun!

    - Steve
  5. Bryan Member

    Thanks i’ve gone for Vallejo just need a good reference guide for colours to be used
    samson likes this.
  6. samson Well-Known Member

    gama mILITaR - mILITaRY Range Colores acrílicos para modelismo - Acrylic colors for miniatures - Acrylifarben für Modellbau
    ModeL CoLoR
    80 Colores acrílicos para modelismo 80 Acrylic colors for miniatures 80 Acrylfarben für Modellbau
    Gama Militar
    Military Range
    Amarillo Caqui Buff
    70.977 Fs30257 Amarillo Desierto
    Desert Yellow
    marrón Beige Beige Brown
    Us Field Drab
    70.985 RAl8017 marrón Rojizo
    Hull Red
    70.883 Fs37150-RAl9002 Gris Plateado
    70.991 Fs36231 Gris marina
    Dark sea Grey
    70.866 Rlm66 Gris Verde
    Grey Green
    70.878 Fs27043 Oro Viejo
    Old Gold
    Barniz mate matt Varnish
    70.912 Fs33245-RAl1011 marrón Amarillo
    Tan Yellow
    70.824 Fs30266-ANA615 Ale. Cam. Ocre Naranja Ger. Cam. Orange Ochre
    70.940 Fs30111 marrón Cuero
    saddle Brown
    70.983 Fs30145 Tierra mate
    Flat Earth
    70.871 Fs30051-RAl8027 marrón Cuero Oscuro leather Brown
    Azul Gris Claro Pale Grey Blue
    70.992 Fs36173 Gris Neutral
    Neutral Grey
    70.995 RAl7016 Gris Alemán
    German Grey
    latón Brass
    Diluyente Thinner
    70.847 RAl1001 Arena Oscura
    Dark sand
    70.876 Rlm79 Arena marrón
    Brown sand
    70.984 Fs30108-RAl8011 marrón mate
    Flat Brown
    Al. Cam. Pardo Claro Ger. Cam. Pale Brown
    70.872 Fs30099 marrón Chocolate Chocolate Brown
    Gris Cielo sky Grey
    Verde marina Oscuro Dark seagreen
    70.950 Fs37038-RAl9005 Negro Rlm22 Black
    Acero Engrasado Oily steel
    Ablandador de Calcas Decal medium
    70.819 Fs30475 Arena Iraquí
    Iraqui sand
    70.874 Fs30219-ANA628 Tierra Oscura
    Tan Earth
    Uniforme Inglés English Uniform
    70.826 Fs30097 Al. Cam. Pardo medio
    Ger. Cam. med. Brown
    70.822 Rlm61 Alem. Cam. Pardo Negro German C. Black Brown
    70.904 Fs35189 Gris Azul Oscuro
    Dark Blue Grey
    70.867 Rlm74 Azul Gris Oscuro
    Dark Bluegrey
    70.861 Fs17038 Negro Brillante
    Glossy Black
    Gris metalizado Gunmetal Grey
    Fijador de Calcas Decal Fix
    Una gamma Hobby di 80 colori permanenti,
    ad alta pigmentazione, per plastici, miniature e modellismo
    Model Color, colori acrilici a base d’acqua ad elevata opacità e pigmen-
    tazione, formulati per essere applicati a pennello su modelli in metallo, resina o plastica. Il colore si stende facilmente senza coprire i dettagli dei figurini o dei veicoli.
    Tutti i colori sono miscelabili tra loro; una volta asciutti sono perfettamente opa- chi e sono assenti i segni della pennellata. Sono diluibili con acqua o con il Vallejo Thinner ref. 70.524. Se spruzzati ad aerografo invece, è raccomandato l’uso dell’apposito diluente Airbrush Thinner ref. 71.261 al 50% di diluizione. Gli eventuali errori si possono correggere immediatamente con acqua od alcol. Una volta asciutti i colori sono permanenti ed impermeabili.
    I Model Color sono conformi alla normativa Europea e hanno inoltre la certifi- cazione nordamericana ASTM D-4236. Entrambe le certificazioni garantiscono che i suddetti colori non contengono sostanze nocive che potrebbero implicare rischi per la salute dell’utilizzatore o per l’ambiente.
    Presentazione: Model Color si presenta in boccette da 17ml. con contagocce. Per altre informazioni vi invitiamo a scaricare la carta colori con le 220 referenze Model Color, www.acrylicosvallejo.com/Modelismo/Modelcolor.
    Хобби-линия состоящая из 80 цветов, сильно пигментированных красок, специально разработанная для моделей и миниатюр, идеальна для декорирования оловянных солдатиков.
    Хобби-линия состоящая из 80 цветов, сильно пигментированных красок,
    специально разработанная для моделей и миниатюр, идеальна для декорирования оловянных солдатиков.
    АКРИЛ-ВИНИЛОВЫЕ КРАСКИ. Хобби-линия, состоящая из 80 цветов сильно пигментированных красок, специально разработанных для моделей и миниатюр, идеальна для декорирования оловянных солдатиков. Model-color подходят для окраски любых поверхностей и, особенно, пластиковых, например, полиэстеров. Краски, легко и равномерно наносятся кистью, даже на большие поверхности, не оставляя следов кисти. Их структура позволяет выполнять окрашивание самых крошечных деталей и миниатюрных художественных работ. Краски Model-color легко смешиваются между собой и могут разбавляться водой. Продукт не содержит растворителей и неогнеопасен. Краски не содержат свинцовые пигменты или другие вредные компоненты. Ошибки при окрашивании могут быть немедленно исправлены при помощи воды или разбавленного спирта. После высыхания, пленка краски приобретает прочность и не растворяется в воде. Краски Model-color фасуются в полиэтиленовые 17мл флаконы с пипеткой. Такая упаковка препятствует быстрому испарению воды и высыханию краски во флаконе. Кроме того, пипетка позволяет точно дозировать краску в минимально необходимом количестве. Дополнительную информации см. в таблице, где представлена полная линейка красок Model-color, состоящая из 218 цветов или на нашем сайте: (www.acrylicosvallejo.com/Modelismo/ Modelcolor).
    70.951 Fs37925-RAl9016 Blanco Rlm21 White
    Carne Dorada sunny skin Tone
    70.899 Fs35048 Azul de Prusia Oscuro
    Dark Prussian Blue
    70.833 RAl6025 Al. Cam. Verde Claro
    Ger. Cam. Bright Green
    70.892 Fs34083-RAl6008 Oliva Amarillo
    Yellow Olive
    70.888 Fs34096-RAl6006 Gris Oliva
    Olive Grey
    70.894 Rlm80 Cam. Verde Oliva
    Cam. Olive Green
    Verde Negro Black Green
    70.884 Fs36357 Gris Piedra
    stone Grey
    70.988 Fs30277 marrón Caqui
    Arena Clara Pale sand
    Naranja Alemán German Orange
    Azul militar Field Blue
    Verde Uniforme Uniform Green
    Verde militar military Green
    70.887 Fs34088-ANA613 marrón Violeta
    Brown Violet
    70.979 Fs34052-RAl6007 Alem. Cam. Verde Osc. German Cam. Dark Green
    Amarillo Arena sand Yellow
    Rojo Red
    70.903 Fs36176 Azul Americano Intermediate Blue
    Uniforme Alemán German Uniform
    70.890 Fs34129-RAl6003 Verde Refractario Refractive Green
    70.924 Fs34127-Rlm83 Uniforme Ruso WWII Russian Uniform WWII
    70.897 RAl7022-Rlm70 Verde Bronzeado
    Bronce Green
    Carne Base Basic skintone
    70.898 Fs35042-ANA607 Azul marina Oscuro
    Dark sea Blue
    Verde medio Intermediate Green
    70.823 Fs34095-RAl6020
    Een Hobby serie van 80 kleuren, hoog gepigmenteerd, ontwikkeld voor modellen en miniaturen
    Model Color, opaake en hoog gepigmenteerde acryl kleuren op wa-
    terbase, speciaal geformulerd voor penseel, voor het schilderen van miniaturen en maquettes van kunsthars, plastiek en metaal. De kleuren laten zich vloeiend anbrengen en bestrijken grote oppervlakken zonder zichtbare penseelstreken en zonder de details van de kleinste miniaturen te bedekken. Alle kleuren kunnen met elkaar gemengd worden, en na wens met water of Vallejo Thinner ref. 70.524 verdund worden, oftewel voor Airbrush gebruik met 50% Vallejo Airbrush Thinner ref. 71.261. Fouten kunnen meteen gecorrigeerd worden met water of alcohol. Eenmaal droog zijn de kleuren waterdicht en per- manent.
    Model Color word vervaardigd volgens de Europese veiligheids voorschriften en bezit de Amerikaanse ASTM D-4236 certificatie, garantie dat het product geen bestanddelen bevat die schadelijk kunnen zijn voor de gezondheid van de ge- bruiker en de omgeving.
    Model Color word geleverd in een flesje van 17ml. bottle met druppelaar. Voor meer informatie, zie s.v.p. de komplete Modle Color kleurenkaart met 220 refe- renties of onze web www.acrylicosvallejo.com/Modelismo/Modelcolor.
    Model Color Hobby range leveres i et udvalg med 80 forskellige farver.
    Model Color, dækkende og højpigmenteret acryl / vand baserede far-
    ver, er specielt komponeret til pensel påføring på modeller og miniaturer figurer af resin, plast og metal. Farverne dækker let uden at skjule de små deta- ljer på figurer eller køretøjer.
    Alle farver kan blandes indbyrdes med hinanden, tørrer op til en mat ensartet overflade uden spor af penselstrøg, og kan fortyndes med vand eller Vallejo fortynder nr. 70.524. Til airbrush, er det anbefalet at fortynde farverne med 50% Airbrush fortynder nr. 71.261. Eventuelle fejl kan rettes med det samme med vand eller alkohol. Når farverne er tørret, er de vandfaste og permanente. Model Color er fremstillet i overensstemmelse med Europæiske sikkerheds re- gulativer og certificeret efter U.S. ASTM D-4236, der begge garanterer at pro- duktet ikke indeholder nogen ingredienser som kan være skadelige for helbred eller miljø.
    Model Color præsenteres i en 17 ml. dryp flaske. For mere information se ven- ligst farveskemaet over alle 220 nuancer i Model Color.
    Ale. Cam. luftwaffe luftwaffe Cam. Green
    Gris Verdoso Green Grey
    Uniforme luftwaffe WWII luftwaffe Uniform WWII
    70.889 Fs34084 marrón Oliva
    UsA Olive Drab
    70.893 Fs34079 Verde Americano
    Us Dark Green
    A. Cam. Verde Extra Osc. Ger. C. Extra Dark Green
    Al. Cam. Beige WWII German C. Beige WWII
    Gris Caqui Khaki Grey
    Amarillo Piedra middlestone
    Rlm02 70.830 Fs34086-RAl7009 Verde Alemán WWII
    German Fieldgrey WWII
    70.986 Fs36440 marrón Cubierta
    Deck Tan
    Amarillo Camuflaje Dark Yellow
    RAl7028 70.923
    Uniforme Japonés WWII
    Japan Uniform WWII
  7. samson Well-Known Member

    Sorry i could not get the link to work its the panzer aces line from vallejo hope it is a little help
    Bryan likes this.
  8. Bryan Member

    Thanks very much
  9. samson Well-Known Member

    No problem hope it helps .. there are also some military colors in the model color line . If you go to the vallejo site they have downloads available for free probably easier than trying to read the above
  10. samson Well-Known Member


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