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WIP On the bench ......

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Nap, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,

    Been a bit busy painting which is great couple on the bench or should I say rather salubrious desk are :

    First and nearly completed ready for an article in Scale Military Modelling International magazine is this little beauty from Andy Cairns AC Models
    Jap 0AAAA box art.jpg this is Andys box Art .........these are mine!!! Jap AC 006.jpg Jap AC 010.jpg Jap AC 012.jpg Jap AC 011.jpg
    Then we have another from the Verlinden stable a Croatian Hussar just based coated...
    a 013.jpg
    also have the Patton bust from RP Models lurking in the background - just beginning to get this ready for another article will do pics as I go .

    Also just left the bench is a Dracula bust ( see separate thread)

    Thanks for looking in

    samson, Mike S., Macca G and 16 others like this.
  2. Kisifer Well-Known Member

    Great works Nap. I really like the Japanese bust, a beauty!!!

  3. Nap Moderator


    Thanks for your comment just the rifle to do on the Japanese bust really pleased with it myself , waiting for the nameplate to finish it off then .

    Did the eyes on the Hussar bust , it's amazing really just how well the Verlinden busts stand up today , really enjoyed my last one (Russian Civil War bust) and certainly reckon it will be the same with this one

    Eyes also done on RP's Patton as well

    Thanks for looking in

  4. swralph A Fixture

    Lovely work on the Japanese bust.The bandana is very well done.
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  5. Jimbo A Fixture

    Good job on the Japanese mate...just a late idea on it...could have added a wispy white beard and aged & tattered him a bit more & he could have been one of those lost soldiers, that were coming out of the jungle back in the 70's that thought the war was still on!...ha! mad eh!(y)
    Wings5797 and garyhiggins like this.
  6. Nap Moderator



    zane666, Dan Morton, yeo_64 and 3 others like this.
  7. FigureLover A Fixture

    Love the Japanese, he has that real forlorn look to his face
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  8. garyhiggins A Fixture

    Beautiful painting on the Japanese bust, the way you've painted him, if you went with Jimbo's idea he could be ruefully pondering his 30 years in the jungle:cry:. On this theme, I picked up a great technique in a Shep Paine book for doing smoke etc. etc.
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  9. Wings5797 A Fixture

    Good work Kevin.
    They all look top notch.
    Well done you.
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  10. smudger1960 PlanetFigure Supporter

    Very nice work Kevin,I'll look forward to reading the article
  11. Jamie Stokes Well-Known Member

    Great work there, very nice!!

  12. Nap Moderator

    Little bit of an update ,

    Eyes done on the Hussar(rubbish pics sorry ) Hussar eyes.jpg , the Japanese is now finished (pics to come!!!)

    Made a start (now finished) on putting arms and service cheverons on the left arm as well as reworking the beard etc to be more like the ref in the review...also replaced the ramrod with a suitable pin
    Russian Gren 002.jpg Russian Gren 001.jpg
    Also made a start on the RP Miniatures Patton ...based in black as is my whim!!! going to try Gells leather techniques on the jacket !!!
    I am going to convert this a bit put the bino's hanging down and have him bare headed holding the helmet ......just done all the liner etc details ...got to rework the stars as I also put a leather strap on as well
    Patton 001.jpg Patton 002.jpg
    Updates to follow as and when

    Thanks for looking in

  13. Chris Mortimer Active Member

    Hey mate, glad to see Im not the only one who has loads on the go at once! All looking good so far.
  14. Nap Moderator


    Hi Chris,

    Thank goodness I am not alone ..pics rubbish though ...there are a "couple" in a cupboard waiting to step on the bench...oh and then there is the GA!

    Thanks for looking in

  15. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,

    Some updates on the visitors to my bench ...picked up my water soluable oils for the leather ..still much more to do but rather than a brush I stippled the surfaces using an old bit of sponge Patton 001.jpg ...more highs/shadows and lining in to do ...need to let it settle first a little ( is that an oily's term??:whistle: ) then as they are soluable I will use a mix of Acrylics and the Cobra Oils ..then it will be fine tuning the surface scratches
    Patton 002.jpg Patton 003.jpg
    Thanks to Gells for posting his leather work on the MMM bust Cooler King ...gave me the push over the edge to start the jacket!!!!

    Then we have the completed conversion of the Russian Place Grenadier adding more to the tasche and beard and the extra service cheverons to the left arm ...off to base up and maybe base coat it
    Russian Palace Guard 001.jpg Russian Palace Guard 002.jpg Russian Palace Guard 003.jpg

    Japanese bust finished and off to the editor ..Pics posted in separate thread!!

    Thanks for looking in


    PS If anybody fancies a day out at the RNAS Museum at Yeovil there is a model show there tomorrow (25th) amongst those planey things ...I will be there !!!
  16. Chris Mortimer Active Member

    Hey mate. The jacket is looking good. Im intrested as how this comes out as I have a 'leather jacket' that's needed painting for ages......
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  17. Gellso A Fixture

    Looking good mate.

    The tones on the leather look excellent.
    I like the work you've done on the jap also.

    napoleonpeart likes this.
  18. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,

    Couple of picture updates on my bench ...the Dracula is now finished and based up ..looks good IMO I will get pictures done and post in the appropriate section..if I can get that right!!!

    Pictures shows it as a WIP additional highs and shadows put on aand the eyes have a sinister look ..shadows etc ..pain in the bottie to paint in a confined area but done !!!!
    WIP 002.jpg
    The Palace Guard is going to be really nice with NMM and all those medals , current state ...eyes done , all base coated ...except medals those will be done last!!!!...nameplate already here!! WIP 001.jpg

    Thanks for looking in


    PS Next up is the Patton jacket .thanks for the inspiration Gells

    My mate Jimbo ..bless him has done the hand holding the helmet Patton helmet with hand 001.jpg Patton helmet with hand 002.jpg
    Eludia, Wings5797 and Joe55 like this.
  19. Wings5797 A Fixture

    Super work throughout Kevin.
    The palace guard has very nice gold NMM lace on the jacket and is developing really well.
    Your painting on the leather jacket is brilliant, that method truly works.
    Following your history of head gear internals, did you add the lining of the helmet? It is superb either way.
    Well done Mate, looking forward to their progress.
  20. pmfs A Fixture

    WOW, Kevin so many projects on the bench mate.
    Hope to see what you gonna do with Patton bust.


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