WIP Officier, Garde Nationale De Paris, 1791 (update 1)


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A Fixture
May 27, 2008
Hello folks,
i have basecoated this guard officer.
Made a mold of my original hat and used greenstuff and magic sculpt to cast a copy of it.
For the coat i decided to use a midtone , that color will give me a good range to go darker or lighter on the coat.
Many sources show a very dark blue, others show a blue close to a Royal blue, which in fact,the uniform color was tought to be Bleu du Roi.
for the mix i have used citadel Necron Abyss and a dab of andrea navy blue.
for the lapels i've use a mix of Panzer Aces german winter camo white and a dab of neutral grey.
for the vest and pant i've use deck tan (as usual) , for the gaiters a mizx of silver gray and a dab of white,finally for the sword belt i used white with game color Vallejo Bonewhite.
As for the collar and trimming i've use citadel Mephiston Red.
Best regards
Good work Daniel,
A good choise of colour mixes to allow for lighter and darker tones.
Your casting of the hat looks remarkable. May I ask what material you used for the mould?
I am following this one.
Good work Daniel,
A good choise of colour mixes to allow for lighter and darker tones.
Your casting of the hat looks remarkable. May I ask what material you used for the mould?
I am following this one.

Keith, thanks for your kind words.
I bought Amazing mold putty ,just a quick mix of part A and B ,i havent use the proper casting product (resin) yet, cause i like how it comes up with the magic sculpt/greenstuff better, but i will try some resin today.
Here's a link of the product:http://amazingmoldputty.com/ProdDetail.cfm?Category=Silicone Rubber&Name=Amazing Mold Putty
Well done Daniel

When u cast the hat, do u squeeze a ball of greenstuff between the mould halves? I was thinking of casting bits that I will need again and again like Keith mentioned.

Many thanks for the link Daniel,
I will see if I can get some in europe. It will be great for boots and hands to save modeling them every time.
I agree with you Keith, the only thing i warn you is that once you mix the part A and B it settles quick,so make sure you press the putty against the part and make sure you leveled and contour to the shape with a putty tool fast, it will be ready for casting parts in 20'.
They also have how to's in their website or youtube, happy to help.
Well done Daniel

When u cast the hat, do u squeeze a ball of greenstuff between the mould halves? I was thinking of casting bits that I will need again and again like Keith mentioned.


Yes, once the mold is ready to use i do mix a ball of greenstuff and a ball of magicsculpt ,it will give you a litegreen mix and more softer than greenstuff alone, and i pressed against the halves,i also add a little bit of vaseline on my fingers so the mix don't stick to my fingers when i am done pressing, then i put something heavy on top so it will keep the pressure on the cast.
If you need any help let me know.
I agree with you Keith, the only thing i warn you is that once you mix the part A and B it settles quick,so make sure you press the putty against the part and make sure you leveled and contour to the shape with a putty tool fast, it will be ready for casting parts in 20'.
They also have how to's in their website or youtube, happy to help.

Hi Daniel,
Thanks for the good advice. I did look at the You Tube clip, I see what you mean about the hardening time but the results look really good.
Also I have found a supplier in the UK. I cannot wait to get started.
Well done Daniel.
Very nice and rich blue you got there. I will look into your choises for my next paint Job, wich will include a lot of blue.

Regards Lars

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Hi Daniel,
Thanks for the good advice. I did look at the You Tube clip, I see what you mean about the hardening time but the results look really good.
Also I have found a supplier in the UK. I cannot wait to get started.
Great! ,i am sure you will get it tomorow :p ,i am like that, when if find things or new project i become very imatient.
Take care and let me know the results .
Well done Daniel.
Very nice and rich blue you got there. I will look into your choises for my next paint Job, wich will include a lot of blue.

Regards Lars

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Thanks Lars, the thing with the blues is that they look lighter when you mixed them and dry out dar!.
I will post the mixes when i am done and always happy to help.
Best regards