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WIP Officer of the Saintonge Regiment,1781

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by MarquisMini, Apr 27, 2012.

  1. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Hello planeteers!
    This is my latest patient in my "surgeon office" :p
    The figure's body is from Modeles et Allures as usual.
    The unifom is from 1767 , modified to the 1779 Regulation uniform.
    Mods include narrowing the turnbacks, ' shaved" part of the pockets , added a standing collar with Green stuff
    The head is from JMD models.
    The hat is from scratch,used a mold i created and pressed a ball of Magic sculpt.
    Details on the hat are in green stuff.
    the legs are from Vid soldiers (miniwelt).
    I am considering something unusual for the coat base,i have a bottle of Vallejo Panzer Aces Afrika korps highlight , which is very similar to the prior mix i used for the other figures, so i will give it a try.
    the Uniform for this regiment is white with Dark green facings.
    Best regards and great weekend to all of you.
    DSC03198.JPG DSC03197.JPG DSC03195.JPG DSC03196.JPG o-French6b500.jpg 28R%20Chasseur%20of%20the%20Saintonge%20Regt_%201781%20%20DT.jpg Historex%20Card%208208%20French%20Infantry%201779%20-%201791.jpg
  2. Ron Tamburrini A Fixture

    Hi Daniel
    This looks an interesting conversion and perhaps not the easiest of uniforms to paint ,
    will watch with great interest.

    MarquisMini likes this.
  3. DaveG Active Member

    Glad to see you right on to the next victim Daniel. :LOL:

    You know we are always eager to see what you create next.
    MarquisMini likes this.
  4. billyturnip A Fixture

    Good start and still following along Daniel. (y)

    MarquisMini likes this.
  5. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Hi Ron, thanks for passing by.
    I'll try to do my best.
    Best regards
  6. MarquisMini A Fixture

    lol..good one Dave.
    I can't wait to get out of work and go basecoat this guy :D
  7. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Roger,always a pleasure having you on the threads.
    I'll make sure i post some progress pics.
    I think i will wait to finish the upper body of the figure to build the arms.
    I am planning to make the pose of the both hands resting on top of the sword.
  8. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Hello folks , a little progress on this officer.
    I basecoated the regimental coat with Panzer Aces Afrika Korps highlight , i used a mix between deck tan and stone grey for the lapels,i figured it will give it a little different shade than the coat .
    the vest and pants were basecoated in pale grey/blue.
    the hat i used a mix of German grey and burnt umber.
    The face is a mix of Salmon rose, cavalry brown and english uniform.
    Best regards DSC03200.JPG DSC03201.JPG DSC03202.JPG DSC03203.JPG DSC03204.JPG DSC03205.JPG
    ChaosCossack likes this.
  9. PhilinYuma Member

    Not only a pleasure to look at, but good lesson for me. I have no doubt that the coat used by the British infantry at the beginning of the nineteenth century was based on the Austrian (NOT the French!) pattern, but I had not realized that the stand up collar went back so far. Back to the books and thanks!
  10. MarquisMini A Fixture

    The french regimental coat actually took a "prussian " look on the regulation of 1776 ( by the Marquis de Choisseul) , it was greatly critisized by the French and it was unpopular.
    the coat or coatee had short tail and colors were applied to cuffs,turnbacks lapels but in different colors , they even wore a strange four cornered hat!.
    So it was a relief that they have change the regulation on 1779 with a more conventional cot,long tails etc.
  11. ChaosCossack A Fixture

    Wow, you dont even take a breath between figs do you?
    Another great start... so many whites and greys, the mixes are mindboggling
    Keep posting the stages as I furiously take notes ;)

    MarquisMini likes this.
  12. MarquisMini A Fixture

    lol, ok mate i will.
    I am jumping from figures to figures since i have painted other soldiers of the regiment few years back and rethinking the strategy for the Yorktown diorama.
    I always say " i will touch up this fig only" and end up doing a whole lot more painting :D
  13. ChaosCossack A Fixture

    How's this diorama gonna work? Seems like you're gonna have a couple of reps from every French regiment in America, are you going for a 3D version of the plates you use for research? That could be pretty cool in its' own right.
    Just trying to get a mental picture.

  14. MarquisMini A Fixture

    I have 4 squares of 12 x 12 ,each one will have the 2 regiments that were side by side in the early stages of the battle.
    I will post an image of the location of the regiments that i have from the Men At Arms series.
    I also planning to have some french Artillerie present
    It is hard even for me to get the whole picture of the squares, but i will keep working on it.
  15. megroot A Fixture

    very good conversion. Like them;
    Painting looks very promissing.

    MarquisMini likes this.
  16. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Thanks Marc , i could only hope it will .
  17. Edorta A Fixture

    MarquisMini likes this.
  18. MarquisMini A Fixture


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