Hi Folks ,
Been working on this from Elan13 .
It is of course sculpted by Rob Lane and produced as a result of voting to select a piece for Euro 2017 .
I reviewed it here: http://www.planetfigure.com/threads/officer-9th-east-norfolk-regt-from-elan-13.112337/
The piece is still available via Robs website www.elan13.co.uk
Based on this figure on the right
Here is the great box art by Edward Sage :
In the original version Rob sculpted the scarf hanging down the back , I liked the fact he had a wig on as well and wanted to show the back more so I sculpted my own version of the scarf blowing about a bit .
Here's the original one:

You can see my version here, hopefully it will look okay when in place !!!
What I particularly liked about this sculpt are the details on the belt plate with "Britannia" and the gorget peeking out from under his neck scarf ...and of course that even in hot climates standards were maintained ...the only allowance being the headwear .
I might paint the neck stock in black and have a different coloured knotted piece hanging down ..not sure .
Sorry about pics ...new camera looms !!!
Initial basecoats ....

Here is where I am at the moment , uniform finished , facings done , belt/plate/gorget etc all done , the right epaulette is about 75% done , etyes done...
I painted the uniform first ...don't know why !!!

The uniform colour is more scarlet !!!
Starting to lay colur down on the hat and scarf ...they will be a lot different !!!

Still to do
Lace /buttons
Neck scarf
Left Epaulette
Headwear and scarf
Must admit I am enjoying this, its got a lot of conversion potential as well to depict many units serving in the hot climates at this time
All comments welcome
Been working on this from Elan13 .
It is of course sculpted by Rob Lane and produced as a result of voting to select a piece for Euro 2017 .
I reviewed it here: http://www.planetfigure.com/threads/officer-9th-east-norfolk-regt-from-elan-13.112337/
The piece is still available via Robs website www.elan13.co.uk
Based on this figure on the right
Here is the great box art by Edward Sage :

In the original version Rob sculpted the scarf hanging down the back , I liked the fact he had a wig on as well and wanted to show the back more so I sculpted my own version of the scarf blowing about a bit .
Here's the original one:

You can see my version here, hopefully it will look okay when in place !!!
What I particularly liked about this sculpt are the details on the belt plate with "Britannia" and the gorget peeking out from under his neck scarf ...and of course that even in hot climates standards were maintained ...the only allowance being the headwear .
I might paint the neck stock in black and have a different coloured knotted piece hanging down ..not sure .
Sorry about pics ...new camera looms !!!
Initial basecoats ....

Here is where I am at the moment , uniform finished , facings done , belt/plate/gorget etc all done , the right epaulette is about 75% done , etyes done...
I painted the uniform first ...don't know why !!!

The uniform colour is more scarlet !!!
Starting to lay colur down on the hat and scarf ...they will be a lot different !!!

Still to do
Lace /buttons
Neck scarf
Left Epaulette
Headwear and scarf
Must admit I am enjoying this, its got a lot of conversion potential as well to depict many units serving in the hot climates at this time
All comments welcome