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Officer 7th Hussars

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Jim Patrick, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. Jim Patrick Active Member

    Ok, here is my rendition of Pegaso's 75mm Light Cavalryman. I'm doing a SLIGHT conversion on the figure to make it into an officer of the 7th Hussars. Not that there was anything wrong with it to begin with, I just wanted to make it a little different and my own version of the beautiful figure. Most of the "conversion" is just simply painting the appropiate colors on the uniform. I also removed the horn from the sabertache and will be replacing it with a "7" for the regimental number. The only "real" conversion (if you want to call it that) will be adding ear rings (which I have done) and adding a moustache (which will be done by a sculpting friend of mine when he visits this weekend ;) :lol: ). Or at least he'll show me how to do it. In any case, here's where I'm at so far. The groundwork is done, the boots are done, the pants as well as the scabbard and the back of the sabertache. The front will be completed next along with the sabertache slings and waiste belt. Once this is done, I'll move onto the sash. Then I can begin to permantly attach the arms. Yes I am painting this figure a little out of the ordinary routine (not doing the flesh first) but I wanted to do something different. Just to change things up a little. In any case, here's my progress so far......

    Jim Patrick

    By the way, the reds don't really look this bright....I just am not that good with my camera :(




  2. Sambaman Well-Known Member

    nice start! Keep us posted!

    Jay H.
  3. Kisifer Well-Known Member

    Oohhhh beautiful... Jim, very beautiful work. I really like your idea on changing this masterpiece. I can't wait to see the finished figure.Keep it up buddy.

  4. megroot A Fixture


    A great start. I like the different painting of that figure.
    Keep us posted.

  5. jjgurk Member

    Wow Jim, looking really good. Keep us updated!

    Cheers, John
  6. frank h Well-Known Member

    Looking really good Jim
    The moustache will really
    make it come together

    Looks a great figure

    Frank (y)
  7. thegoodsgt Active Member

    The word "stunning" is, I think, overused, but the red of the trousers truly fits the bill. Please share your mixture when you get a chance.
  8. Ernest A Fixture

    Hey Jim looking forward to see this one finish, you are doing a terrific job so far, red color is hard to do but you are doing a good work..
  9. KeithP Active Member

    From the bottom up it sure looks good! :lol:

  10. Jim Patrick Active Member

    Ok sort of got on a roll today. Painted the sabertache ans was well on my way to painting the various slings when my hands started shaking. Probably due to the glass of sweet tea (yes, I'm from the south!) than anything else. Painting straight lines is a pain in the a$$ when your hands will not stop shaking. Does anyone else have this problem? What brings it on and what makes it go away for you? Anyway, here's where I'm at.

    Jim Patrick

  11. Joe Hudson Well-Known Member

    Shakey hands? Sitting to close to tanks may do it??? lol Hey this is by far your best detail work.

  12. Edward A Fixture

    Looks really good so far Jim, especially the sabretache - I like the way you've highlighted the gold, really makes it stand out. I'll look forward to seeing how you progress.

  13. MAB Well-Known Member

    Hello Jim
    It makes it appeal to to see the good painting job me very
    that you are realizing.......I see that on this scale
    you have a good control of the shadings...the much beautiful yield of red and also of the
    effect tromp l'oeil of the color the gold on the gallonature.
    Good continuous I do not see the hour that it is complete :)


  14. captnenglish Well-Known Member

    Awesome job Jim, I too am working on an officer of the 7th, mine is from the Retreat from Moscow, so not quite as fancy. One question though, I'm not a Napoloenics guy, but I though the boots for the 7th were red. Can you correct me on that?
  15. Jim Patrick Active Member

    Matthew- the boots worn by Hussars were black. Especially when they were in the field (i.e.- Moscow). There are exceptions to every rule and teh Hussars were these exceptions! :lol: Officers are, for the most part, the only ones to have colored boots due to the cost of these items. Most of these "non" regulation boots would have been worn with an officers parade finest or at a social function. There were times when they would have been worn in the field, they just would have been worn by the most senior commanders. In short, when in the field, black boots would have been the norm ;) . I decided on black boots for this "young" officer just to have a break in all the colors.

    Steven- it's kind of hard to say what I did to the pants. I started out with certian colors and didn't like the way they turned out. I started putting really thin, transparent coats of different colors of red (from pure red to dark red) until the brushstrokes dissapeared and the color was what you see now. I would LOVE to say I used this color and that color, I just can't cuz I lost track of what I was doing?! :( Sorry.

    Everyone Else- Thank you and as soon as these hands stop shaking, I'll be back on the slings.

    Jim Patrick
  16. Figure Mad Well-Known Member

    Hi jim

    thats a blinding piece, just beautifull colours, can’t wait to see this one finished

  17. slaj Well-Known Member

    Hey Jim, this is shaping out very nicely. I love what you've done so far. As to the shaking hands , I suppose a few shots of JD and coke will help :lol:

    Stephen Mallia
  18. thegoodsgt Active Member

    Jim, regarding shaky hands.

    I hadn't thought about it, but I can see where caffine might affect your ability to paint a straight line. I'll have to watch that!

    Also, I try to apply target shooting techniques to painting. We're taught to aim, get the target within the sight, relax, take a deep breath and hold it, put the target squarely in the sight, and then squeeze the trigger. Apply the same technique to painting and it might help.
  19. megroot A Fixture


    Shaking will work fine for you. :lol: You are doing a tremendous paintjob on this one. Amazing.
    Keep us informed.

  20. Jim Patrick Active Member

    *Note*- Re did the photos. Still not great but theyr'e getting better. I'll have some more pics to post later tonight.

    Jim Patrick

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