A BMSS show (that's British Model Soldier Society) and most of the awards go to fantasy subjects
We can only judge what is entered!A BMSS show (that's British Model Soldier Society) and most of the awards go to fantasy subjects
My comment was made tongue in cheek.
Personally I have no interest in competitions so it doesn't affect me one way or another who or what wins. As a point of interest are the entries anonymous?
Looks a good show, with some impressive pieces.
Who manufactures the trio of drunks?
They are judged anonymously.
Do you mean that the cards with the entry details are removed before the judges start? Because the entries have the name of the entrant on the info sheet, aswel as any relevant conversion etc details.
As an aside, I also noticed that some entrants virtually flood a class (or several...) with multiple entries. I think one entrant got well into the 20's Whilst this is in itself not really a big problem for the Gold, Silver, Bronze system of rewards, it does make me wonder with Best in Show and such.
The judges are instructed not to look at the entry forms until after they have judged. How else are we to know what model belongs to who. People are limited to a maximum of five entries per class..best in show is judged by all the judges from the gold medal awards.
Thanks Bob.
Looks like it's OOP.![]()
It was a one off by Robert:-
The painted version was posted here:-
Thanks Bob. I know from experience, that judging is both hard, and thankless... I've helped to judge at Poole, Salisbury, Yate and I think even in Bristol in 2008 or 2009. As a visitor, I didn't really know any of the entrants anyway, but the cards would be used to be able to judge what, if any conversions were made, and if so, how well. Some competitions add the entrants name on the back, for that reason.
I noticed at least one entrant, who had in excess of 5 entries in at least one class. It doesn't bother me personally, so I didn't note any details, but I can see how others can get a wrong impression.
Please don't see this as a complaint, just an observation. I enjoyed the show, and always enter some of my work, if only to support the show.
Thanks for the feedback Henk but I am not aware of anyone having more than five entries. I photographed all the classes and the only one that had multiple entries from one modeller was the sci fi miscellaneous class.