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News Pegaso models

Discussion in 'Figure News' started by ChrisP, Sep 1, 2014.

  1. Adrian Cowdry Well-Known Member

    Absolutely superb.
  2. Trevorkats Active Member

    Why does Pegaso not make 54mm not only new samurai but all ancients, more popular size, not 75mm or 90mm
    should have option , and will sell great deal more as most collectors go for 54mm
  3. Redcap A Fixture


    Hi Trev,

    Hope you are well mate.

    I am sure Pegaso did their market and customer research before all but giving up on 54mm figs - other than the recent 54mm Murat mounted piece I cannot recall their last 54mm release - as like everyone else, they have to make what pays them a living and the bills and not necessarily what the rest of us 'would like' as an indulgence. And as many producers in the hobby will doubtless tell you, X Y & Z saying to them at shows or in the bar "Make this and everyone would buy it." rarely comes to fruition in terms of actual paying sales once they go ahead and sculpt/cast the thing. I also think 54mm is 'popular' based more upon cost and space than anything else. Speaking for myself and despite being 'only' 53, the past couple of years I have found I am much happier and capable with 75mm and 90mm figs as I can actually see what I am painting much better than I could even just 3 - 5 years ago..

    Don't forget of course for a 'collector' to acquire their 54mm figs, it still needs someone to paint them for him/her and the hobby membership (by and large and other that the fantasy and 'Warhammer' painters) isn't getting much younger where the old eyes are concerned! There will of course always be professional artists who will paint them for you but alas, not every collecter in the hobby has the financial means to employ their services and skills; especially not the 'masters' and 'names' in the hobby.


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