News Pegaso models


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Both superbly sculpted pieces but for me the Samurai would never feel right with the bent legs when riding such a steep slope.
I feel the rider would fall forward out of the saddle without keeping their legs actually feels to me like it's a seconds from disaster image............if it were a bucking horse the leg position would be correct to me, but it's meant to be tearing down a slope.
Perhaps it would be possible to it, but for me, at least, for the money and effort required it would never feel right to me.

This image shows what I mean~

Hi Mark,

The still image you used isn't entirely kosher. :eek:

It was taken from the classic 1980's Australian movie "The Man From Snowy River" and one of the tricks the film makers used to accentuate the steepness of the slope the Man rides down was to dig up all the trees and plants and replant them leaning to the right. If you tilt your head slightly to the left and look closely, you'll see that the rider is leaning far back in the saddle to magnify the effect of riding down a steep slope, when in fact its a very gentle slope.;)

I'm not arguing with your main point, which I think is valid, but I couldn't let this piece of Hollywood fakery pass without comment.

I would say that keeping your legs slightly bent to act as a shock absorber makes perfect sense in the context of riding down hill. Stiff legs will make the ride very hard, especially when you consider the weight of his armour and gear.
Fascinating insight Tony & get exactly where you are coming from in this one.

Reckon this is classic Viktor Konnov & he knows horses on slopes like nobody else :)
I think the samurai fig looks fantastic if not a daunting project to tackle. If I remember my history correctly, I think it may depict a purported tactic used at the Battle of Ichinotani by the Minamoto forces where they assaulted the enemy fortress from the surrounding hills on horseback. Its also a popular subject in traditional Japanese prints and therefore highly stylizes the horse and rider. Seems Pegaso may be paying homage to some of that.
Hi Mark,

The still image you used isn't entirely kosher. :eek:

It was taken from the classic 1980's Australian movie "The Man From Snowy River" and one of the tricks the film makers used to accentuate the steepness of the slope the Man rides down was to dig up all the trees and plants and replant them leaning to the right. If you tilt your head slightly to the left and look closely, you'll see that the rider is leaning far back in the saddle to magnify the effect of riding down a steep slope, when in fact its a very gentle slope.;)

I'm not arguing with your main point, which I think is valid, but I couldn't let this piece of Hollywood fakery pass without comment.

I would say that keeping your legs slightly bent to act as a shock absorber makes perfect sense in the context of riding down hill. Stiff legs will make the ride very hard, especially when you consider the weight of his armour and gear.

I was very aware of the origins of the picture Tony and indeed it's "trickery" as you call it, but it was useful for making my point nevertheless. But the fact remains that the actor was still directed by the many very experienced high country horseman involved in that production on how to make it look like a realistic downhill gallop.
Which is why he is leaning back in the saddle and has his legs straight, keeping him in the saddle because that's how one would look on a slope that steep.

But I'm thrilled to the very core of my being if people are happy with the figure's attitude in the saddle I really am.
I made it clear it was just how I viewed it, and how it would feel to me...personally I'd never get used to it being like that if it was my figure.
Try this video,I don't think there's any "Hollywood fakery" here, and no bent legs either.

But it's been so damn long now since I rode a horse at full pelt down a slope of that gradient that I've really forgotten what it was like except for the immediate need for a change of underwear.
Film makers of course use a lot of smoke and mirrors to make us believe what we are seeing on the screen. It would be interesting to see the original art that influenced the Samurai model - if there is any - or the original concept pieces of art. I do agree that the legs bent are perhaps slightly off putting but looking at the figure over all and taking the thought that such a figure represents a snap of action the legs being bent and the horse at speed then possibly the pose can be accepted.

Ultimately you like it or you don't - it's the painting that would frighten me!
This is going to be my first visit to Euro since I emigrated in '99. With flights, hotel etc. this is already my most expensive and it's getting worse by the day as my wish list is growing exponentially despite going to Montrouge and Stresa already this year! Still hobbies should be expensive ;-)



As I always say Huw...." You can never spend too much money on yourself ! "

It's an awful long time since I painted any samurai figures but my memory is that they rode with very short stirrups.

Just as a contribution, this is a picture of an Italian cavalryman training at the "muraglione" ("great wall" and I can see where the name comes from...) of the school of cavalry in Tor di Quinto, in 1906.
I have no idea as to whether the figure is correct (or of the fate of the guy portrayed in the picture the instant after the picture was taken), I just thought this might be of help for the discussion.
The Samurai is fantastic, but the bow and tachi sword is wrong size and shape. The kabuto maedate looks too big and flat.
Excellent paint. Super figurines.


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