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New 75mm ACW Mississippi 17th inf 1861 from TFB Miniatures

Discussion in 'Figure News' started by Steve headley, Sep 11, 2023.

  1. Steve headley A Fixture

    Hi all here is our next new release in our north and South range. It’s a 75mm 17th Mississippi inf 1861. This is the second in the series and is up for pre order on our website on www.tfbminiatures.co.uk

    This was sculpted by our good friend GREG GIRAULT


    TFB Miniatures Team FCCA1669-FA8A-444D-8DE2-CB5E711A972E.jpeg A5CE6403-68B7-4353-AA79-A8A649952880.jpeg 95101C83-3F2C-433C-BD22-999FE32B6FEB.jpeg E083E30F-DA0F-41A7-B3C4-1341154A93E0.jpeg [/ATTACH]
  2. Noel Walker Active Member

    Great uniform all the red trim another example of early ACW unis
  3. Steve headley A Fixture

    Hi Noel, glad you like him he is again something different and we hope to do more in the future.


    TFB Miniatures Team
    Noel Walker likes this.
  4. MalcC A Fixture

    looks like I'll be painting a couple of ACW figures in the not too distant future. :D
    Both excellent figures

    Steve headley likes this.
  5. Steve headley A Fixture

    Thanks Malc will let you know when we have them, they have gone off for casting so should not be too long.

    I think you just might enjoy them, it’s the start of a range we are doing called North & South, we hope people like the different to the normal uniforms. We shall see .


    TFB Miniatures Team
    MalcC likes this.
  6. Nap Moderator

    Hi Steve

    Boy am I glad I don't do 75's , that's a cracking Figure , got to say that it would make a fine bust as well ! ...sorry ...lol

    Excellent sculpting as expected

    Really good follow on from the first in the series https://www.planetfigure.com/thread...e-island-inf-1861-from-tfb-miniatures.590545/

    Had a quick look through the Osprey series ...some excellent images of early ACW uniforms

    Thanks for sharing

    Bootneck likes this.
  7. Steve headley A Fixture

    Thanks Nap it is a very nice release it works so well as the opponent more to come in the future.


    TFB Miniatures Team
    Nap likes this.
  8. MalcC A Fixture

    The red and grey of this uniform are really going to make this figure standout.

    Click on the thumbnail for a larger image.

    Noel Walker likes this.
  9. F Troop Active Member

    Both ACW and 75mm. Definitely going to step up for this one. I'd get the Rhode Island Infantry if it were an enlisted man. Never seen a RI officer wearing this particular uniform. Hint to Steve...do a regular RI soldier to accompany your officer
  10. Steve headley A Fixture

    Hi Malc you got it my friend it does pop out yours is going to look great when done that’s for sure.


    TFB Miniatures Team
  11. Steve headley A Fixture

    Hi Rick , this was why we did the unusual on the Rhode Island it’s different from wat you usually see. Eduard did the research for it and decided this was the way to go. We will be doing more in this range for sure so maybe in the future we may do a companion for him.

    Both figures are proving very popular indeed so we know we have pick a couple of good subjects.



    TFB Miniatures Team
    Nap likes this.
  12. F Troop Active Member

    I will certainly keep a lookout for new figures in this series and am glad they are proving to be popular. ACW is my favorite subject area. Let me know if I can ever be of help with research


    Rick in Virginia
    Steve headley likes this.
  13. Steve headley A Fixture

    Thanks Rick we might have to take you up on that. We are looking for early war subjects that don’t get seen too much have lots of books on uniforms of the ACW between the team but always more to learn.


    TFB Miniatures Team
    Nap likes this.
  14. Warren SMITH A Fixture

    excellent sculpt..
  15. Steve headley A Fixture

    Thanks Warren it is a very nice figure.


    TFB Miniatures Team
  16. stu A Fixture

    There are only seven rows of buttons and associated lace, there should be 9 from the painting and the original garment .

    Easy fix as it's a 3d sculpt. Greg's dome a great job ,,cracking face

    Nap likes this.
  17. OldTaff PlanetFigure Supporter

    Great sculpt....liking the top hat :D

  18. Steve headley A Fixture

    Hi stu thanks for the info I will pass it on we went off a couple of paintings which by the looks of it were a little wrong In that case.

    Greg did a cracking job on him the face is great and has come out very well indeed.

    Alan, it’s the top hat that sold it to us we saw a couple of artworks and thought that’s different and interesting. So it was a go from the team and we are over joyed by what Greg has done with him.


    TFB Miniatures Team
    Nap and stu like this.
  19. Civilwar 100 Active Member

    As said before this looks a great sculpt and some very nice detail my only small query is ,would he wear his belt over the straps of the ruck sack and water bottle.

  20. Bootneck Well-Known Member

    Nap, I have been onto the guys to consider producing this as a bust. I think it will be a great complimentary range to there AWI in American history.
    Nap, MalcC and stu like this.

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