Jamie Stokes
A Fixture
So recently I did a speed sculpt and paint for the SpecMod coffee cup challenge, for a figure of judges decision.
Yesterday I received my prize - A bust of a Samurai Archer from Legion Miniatures.
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Yesterday I received my prize - A bust of a Samurai Archer from Legion Miniatures.
It's a simple character study - An archer with the Bow in a holder on his back.
So my initial thoughts are to skip the tattoo, as tattoos weren't a big thing for samurai to have, more associated with Yakuza stratum of society. So that leaves choices of kimono top and the patterns available.
Old example, and modern re-enactors for colour.
And the study of archery as a martial art is known as Kyudo; those practicing it are Kyudoka.
Samurai archer is snappier, samurai did study archery, in conjunction with sword and grappling skills, along with poetry and drinking.
So I'm not going to quibble over a title for marketing purposes that captures the labels.
Looking forward to this
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