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Discussion in 'Sculpting' started by quang, Jun 2, 2006.

  1. quang Active Member

    Looking back at the result at this stage, I felt that the existing base is uninspiring to say the least and that the vision of a man perched on a small log some 10 inches from the ground was down right ridiculous. So I decided to look for a more appropriate setting, this one:



    In my view, it's much more telling as it conveys a sense of impending danger accentuated by the angle of the tree and the overhanging portion of the base.

    Also note the progression of the fleshing-up and that, as a result, the body masses are almost complete.

    Quang :)
  2. Guy A Fixture

    I agree with you on the ground change Quang. Eastern Woodland Indian?
  3. Ulrich A Fixture

    Hi Quang

    I think that will be another one of the kind "I must have it"

    Your SBS explain for me so much, what happens before I can buy such a figure. It is great to see a figure grow in such a way.

    Thanks and I am waiting impatient for more pictures.

  4. quang Active Member

    No, Guy, it's not. Who needs another Robert Griffing rip-off?

    Look further south and you'll see the light. ;)

    Ulrich, I'm glad you enjoy the SBS.

  5. Joe Hudson Well-Known Member

    Hey Quang,

    Really great stuff and now that I am finishing up my figure I can't wait to try and sculpt something else. Could he be Daniel or Davey? :)

  6. quang Active Member

    No, Joe! Not Daniel Bones nor Davey Cricket. :lol:

    Although it has some loose connection with Davey. Keep guessing.

  7. Guy A Fixture

    I think that hundreds of figure painters would love to see more figures from the Robert Griffing Illustrations. After 34 years of painting I am happy to see Native Americans portrayed in various sizes. For so many years we had the Hollywood versions and now it is refreshing to see some decent Eastern Woodland Indians.

    From what I have heard from the manufacturers, they can't keep up with the orders and are their most popular subjects.
  8. IronMike A Fixture

    What pieces out there are rip-off's. That's a pretty negative statement. To my knowledge the closest piece to a Griffing painting that is out there is my Moment in Time based on a Griffing painting. Do you mean me?

    Mike Stelzel
  9. quang Active Member

    Guy and Mike,

    Let's put things straight.

    By 'rip-off', I meant 'heavily influenced by'.

    You'd have to agree that the major influence behind the current trend of Woodlands Indians is the Griffing book. If it wasn't for the Griffing book, we wouldn't have so many F&I Indians on the market nowadays.

    As a matter of fact, my 120mm Hawkeye figure, even if it was done before the book was published, is a Griffing rip-off. In the same vein, my Amos Garrett and Sam Stone figures are rip-offs from the Book of Buckskinners. My Buccaneer is a Howard Pyle rip-off. Nothing positive or negative in it. It's just a fact.

    What I was expressing in my reply to Guy is that I've already done one Eastern Woodland Indian (Hawkeye). I just don't feel the need to do a second one.

    It's too bad that Mike took it personally.

    Quang :)
  10. Piotr Czyz Active Member

    Hello Guang,

    thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and talent with us. I find this sbs very inspiring and helpfull. Thank you very much !

  11. megroot A Fixture


    It will be a real beauty. Looking forward to the next step. I like it allready because i'm a big fan of Mr Bronson.

  12. Luis R. Active Member

    Looking good so far...as usual.
    Quang, I think i know what this guy will end up being. Maybe one of your former avatars? Maybe something you asked here at the planet a long time ago about parrots is related? ;)
  13. quang Active Member

    Marc: I'm sorry to disappoint you. It's not Charles Bronson. Maybe some other time?

    Luis: You have a very good memory but it's not a cangaceiro. I'm not ready for it yet. I need more research material. Nevertheless it's a nice try!

    In any case, I was none too happy about the current pose. The guy looked purposeless and had no story to tell.

    So I started playing with the head and came up with the following.



    Lo and behold, wake up little Suzie! :lol:

    Now, there's something catching our man's attention. The fact that he looks beyond the figure base, extends the viewer's vision and adds to the interest.

    Now that we're done with the pose, it's time to look for a subject. ;)

  14. Yarok New Member

    Looks sweet, with an interesting pose!

    Keep'em coming (y)

    (thought it was Bronson in Dead Hunt for a while :lol:)

    Could it be an Iroquois? Is it even indian-related?
  15. IronMike A Fixture

    From the dictionary - Rip-off. 1. To steal from. 2. To steal 3. To exploit, swindle,cheat, or defraud. Gee I wonder why someone wouldn't take it a bit personal. Thanks for your clarification.
  16. Alan Guest

  17. garyjd Well-Known Member

  18. IronMike A Fixture

    Gary. That avitar has got me rolling in my chair. I almost spit up my coffee. Enough of this. Back to packaging "Scouts" kits.

  19. Markus Well-Known Member

    Hello Quang,

    nice to see another figure of you coiming alive.

    I like his pose and I´m looking forward to see your next steps.

    Take care,
  20. dario966 New Member

    hello Qunag,
    May I offer my guess - first a Seminole - (moist, damp conditions), then Muskogee or Cherokee :) The rifle appears to be a flintlock, so late 18th early 19th century no more than 1840s)...
    How about some late 17th/early 18th century Plains Apache one of thses days - with a leather/hide armour, lance with a Spanish sword tip, rawhide shield, stone warclub, horse in armour too, with a wooden copy of a Spanish jineta saddle and true Spanish bit etc? very complicated but could be a great figure...

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