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WIP My ever growing 40mm French infantry of the AWI <Soissonois Re.

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by MarquisMini, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. MarquisMini A Fixture

    DSC03826.JPG DSC03827.JPG DSC03828.JPG DSC03830.JPG DSC03829.JPG Hello folks, i have been busy working on my "dwarf" french army of the Amercian Revolution.
    I will say that they are 75% done, with the face,hats ,fusils and gaiters to be done.
    Perhaps you will not notice but i tried on some of the troopers different base colors, still need to do some touch ups on the coats but virtually done, you will notice the coats are in warmer white and vest and pants are in colder white , i think that i like that idea and don't like when it blends to be almost the same color as the coat, not saying that is the right way or the best way,just personal preference and believe that they are made of different material.
    I struggle with the Crimson as usual but i am happy with the shade of color i came up with,i always try to avoid with the end product being too "red" , To me Crimson i a red shy of being mistaken by Fuccia , a pinkish red that is not red and is not pink :confused:.
    You can also see in a couple of pictures that i have a grenadier of the Royal Deux -Ponts in progress.
    I bought the Army Painter color primer in ultramarien Blue when i was researching for painting and decided to try that concept, weird and unknown to me but it seems like i could save some amount of time.
    I will dedicate a thread to this German regiment in French service when i am finished with the Soissons.
  2. mil-mart A Fixture

    Looks impressive Daniel and will be following. Is there not a standard bearer amongst them.?

    Cheers Ken
  3. valiant A Fixture

    Impressive, en masse!
  4. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Hi Ken, yes, there are 2 of them,look at the las pic at the bottom.
    I will order the flags next week, i been told the GMB produces really good flags, they make 40mm flags but the owner at trident designs todl me the 28mm flags are suitable for this figures since the flags are very large.
    Once i have them i will use some shading and highlights to make it more realistic.
    Thanks for passing by, always good to have you here:)
  5. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Yes Steve, en masse, and my wife doesn't seen the other 40 figs i have waiting lol,i don't know where i am going to put this dwarfs!
    Best regards
  6. valiant A Fixture

    The perennial question - where do I keep all these things?!!
  7. MarquisMini A Fixture

    I am debating that every day, i don't know if i should make a vignette of 4 different bases (12"x12" each) , which originally was my project for my 60mm figs.
    I do have the idea of represent the French army marching into their final battle positions, so i could represent the overall regiments including artillery.
    Suggestions welcome.
  8. ChaosCossack A Fixture

    These look awesome. Your various whites are really working well.
    As for display... I'm seeing a base 36'' wide by 18'' deep showing the forward face of a slope with the regiments cresting the ridgeline and spreading out into deployment positions towards the front of the base... where the artillery batteries are already unlimbered and ready for action.

    A base like this works better on a shelf where a big square base almost needs a tabletop.

    Of course this is just my own humble opinion ;)

    MarquisMini likes this.
  9. Don Johnson Active Member

    Great work on these, Daniel!! Very impressive. I think your warm/cool treatment on the whites is really well done. The officer looks great, and I like the start you've made on the drummer.
    Colin's idea is intriguing, and worthy of some further thought. Could the same concept be done with a 12 inch depth, which might work better, depending on your shelf size. A backdrop setting the scene would also increase the display impact.
    The big scene has a strong allure, but a series of smaller vignettes might tell your story just as effectively, especially if your have display limitations. One big regiment vs. a few smaller groupings of different units.
    Anyway, the important thing is that you're moving ahead!
    I've been trying to work on a couple larger pieces for the MFCA show in Valley Forge, PA in May. It's our annual pilgrimage, and an outstanding display of both miniature art, and dealers! I figure I'll get back to the Trident AWI figures after I get back from MFCA. I also want to do a box of the new 28mm Perry British campaign plastic figures. If only I didn't have to go to work . . .
    MarquisMini and ChaosCossack like this.
  10. ChaosCossack A Fixture

    I like the idea of the backdrop Don... It would give a shallow display some depth
  11. billyturnip A Fixture

    They look great so far Daniel, looking forward to seeing them all complete and displayed.

  12. MarquisMini A Fixture

    thanks for your input colin, i am happy with the whites, i was struggling for a while with it but i think i am happy with the result.
    As for the base, i really like your idea, i have enought for the 18" but the 36" it may be too long for the shelf i have, i will have to see how it works, maybe a 24" is going to be more suitable.
    Or use the 4 separate bases of 12x12 that i was going to use for my original Yorktown.
    i'll let you know, for now i will we following your Borodino with great interest,looking fwd to see some paint on your figs.
    Best regards
  13. MarquisMini A Fixture

    thanks for your cheering words Don , i am sure you can't wait to get your brushes on those Perry's minis.
    Doug at Trident Designs sells some scratch made AWI buildings ,they look really nice.
    I will have to consider the size and probably just buy a farm house or barn since the troops wore marching to take positions facing towards the town , but a farm scene on the back of the base, some fences and stone walls may add to a realistic view of the field, i will try to have the 2 main regiments or larger numbers as the Soissonois and Royal Deux-Ponts , the wore next to eachother at the battle , on the left forefront if you facing the enemy, i will have some of the touraine Regiment that in fact thay made a diversionary attack on the Brits,i already have some of the figures loading and others firing, so i am thinking to incorporate a small party of them shooting while the soissons and Deux-Ponts mart to take position midrange between the front abd back of the bases, the artillery will be located on a slope on the back corner to the right of the regiment,maybe 2 batteries or 3 depending on the size too.
    As you see, this is my idea today, i am sure i will change 3 times from now :(.
    I really appreciate your thoughts on this.
    Best of luck at MFCA.
  14. Edorta A Fixture

  15. MarquisMini A Fixture

    thanks Roger :)
  16. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Gracias Eduardo, i am going to start on some of the royal DP cause i need some rest from the whites , but as soon as i finish my Fusiliers i will work on the grenadiers of the Soissonois.
    Do you have any reference on the positions for the French Batallions of the Pre-FrenchRev. war? , meaning fusilers,chasseura and grenadiers on the left or right? , and how many sergeant s/officers and so and so.
    Obviously i am not trying to have the 1000 's but at least represent some amount of numbers according to the size of the batallion and fit into the diorama.
    Thanks for passing by :)
  17. Edorta A Fixture

  18. MarquisMini A Fixture


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