My 1/72nd collection.


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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2011
How many have I? * Good question. Audit time!

First medievals in thier boxes
From top left;
Normans. 139 foot, 51 mounted
Vikings 118 foot, 14 mounted and also in the box, 21 turcopoles
Seige/artillery. 113 foot, 1 mounted, 21 guns, 2 rams, 5 seige mantlets, 2 catapults
Transport. 40 foot. 12 wagons, 15 packmules and 3 limbers
100 yrs War French. 75 foot, 46 mounted
100 yrs war english. 108 foot, 25 mounted
Hussites/Clubmen/Revolting peasants. 170 foot, 8 mounted, 5 wagons and 2 guns
Civilians. 142 foot, 4 mounted. Another 130 foot are unbased in the boxes. 7 market stands
Crusaders. 51 foot, 43 mounted plus general medieval soldiery, 53 foot and 2 mounted.
Saxons. 94 foot and 11 mounted.
Total so far.
1233 foot, 236 mounted, 23 guns, 17 wagons.
Display cases

Total in both.
Medievals. 113 mounted and 322 foot, 4 guns and 2 carts
Ancients. Romans - 16 mounted and 19 foot. 2 carpentum and a onager. Greeks 149 foot and 1 ballista. 5 mitanians and chariot. Britons - 2 chariots
Napoleonic. 79 foot, 3 guns and 2 limbers
Modern. 16 foot and 2 APU´s.
Bodstonia - 3 foot, 1 mounted, 1 gun with limber and ammo cart.
Fantasy. A dragon, a troll,
Odds and ends . 16 renaissance peasants, 13 guards band, 12 daleks,
Oh..and 5 ships on top

Second display case

Medievals 67 foot, 2 guns, 12 catapults, 1 seige tower,
Modern . 15 foot. WWI Planes 16, 4 Tanks
Bodstonia. 15 pirates and 11 Bodstonians, 5 boats
ACW. 1 Observation balloon
Khandibar - 1 boat
Fantasy - 4 Balrogs

Next lot, ACW and a box of odds and ends
ACW - 376 foot, 66 mounted, 8 guns, 6 limbers and 2 wagons
Odd Bods - 161 foot, 6 mounted and 2 chariots

Also, I knew I had to have more medievals somewhere and I´d totally forgotton this lot!!
The Bannockburn bods and WotR´s cavalry.(Box top left)
Another 307 foot and 129 mounted
Bodstonians and Khandibah
Bodstonians - 23 mounted, 269 foot, 11 wagons and 6 guns
Khandibah - 46 mounted, 147 foot, 4 guns and 1 wagon
69 mounted, 416 foot, 10 guns and 12 wagons


78 mounted, 452 foot, 11 Trolls, 2 catapults and one cannon
Romans, Gauls, Celts, Egyptians, Greeks, Carthaginians etc.
99 mounted, 1712 foot, 10 elephants, 11 Chariots, 4 scorpians

Medievals/Dark Ages - 478 mounted, 1829 foot, 27 guns, 14 wagons. 14 catapults, 3 limbers, 1 seige tower, 4 ships
Ancients - 115 mounted, 1901 foot, 15 chariots, 10 elephants, 4 scorpians, 1 catapult
Napoleonic - 79 foot, 3 guns and 2 limbers
ACW. - 376 foot, 66 mounted, 8 guns, 6 limbers, 2 wagons and 2 balloons plus ground crew
Fantasy - 78 mounted, 452 foot, 4 balrogs, 1 dragon, 12 trolls, 3 catapults and 1 cannon
Bodstonia. - 24 mounted, 310 foot, 7 guns and 1 limber
Khandibar - 46 mounted, 147 foot, 4 guns, 1 wagon and 1 boat
Odd Bods - 173 foot, 6 mounted and 1 ship

Absolute total---if my summing up is any good..
4991 foot, 882 mounted, 50 guns, 12 limbers, 17 catapults, 28 wagons/Carts, 15 chariots,10 elephants

Making this post took a while with all the counting so more have been added since. ...and I´m missing some, Celtic cavalry for instance.

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