MV Team: Momo


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Jan 10, 2012


Job: Digital Sculptor

Painting: Painting since 2018ish

Sculpting: Sculpting since 2015

Painting Media: Acrylics

(Digital) Sculpting Media: Zbrush, 3dsMax, Blender

Brushes: Whatever I can get my hands on

Airbrush: Harder & Steenbeck Infinity (still learning)

Miniatures: Animals, Dinosaurs, Fantasy

Inspirational Miniature Painter: Karol Rudyk, Roman Lappat, Josua Lai, Arnau Lazaro

Inspirational Sculptors: Simon Lee (aka Spiderzero), Beth Cavener, Tomek Radziewicz, Sean Cooper (Paleocraft), Nick Bibby, David Zhou

Gallery: Artstation, Instagram

Hi everyone! My name is Momo and I’m over the moon to have been adopted by the amazing Massive Voodoo family! I’m currently living in a small town in Bavaria, together with my dog and my two geckos :)

My sculpting journey began when I started studying Games Art in Munich and I was introduced to ZBrush in 2013. I wanna say I was immediately hooked, but truth is it took a little detour to fall back in love with sculpting...After my studies I started working at a media agency and noticed that something was missing. This time I made a point of really focussing on sculpting digitally and many hours of practice went in after work and on my weekends, because I knew that it was my real passion. I made the jump to working as a freelancer, and although there have been some hard times I never looked back. Now I’m grateful to be able to work with companies like Schleich and many lovely private customers. I also have my own little Etsy shop that I’m gradually growing. My favorite subject to sculpt is also my biggest love in life - animals! Reptiles, amphibians, dinosaurs and horses are the ones I probably love to create the most. Here are some examples of my sculpts:​

So how did I get in touch with Massive Voodoo? A few years ago, I saw Josua's amazing art on Instagram and we got talking. A while later he introduced me to Roman and we met for a painting session. That’s how I discovered the wonderful world of miniature painting! Roman has taught me a huge amount of useful things about painting and - if you know Roman this will be no surprise - about life. Most of the time when I paint miniatures, I will paint my own figures that I sculpted and 3D printed at home. I usually try to paint them as realistically as possible, like this burgundy snail I made a while ago:​

It has been an amazing journey so far, and I’m looking forward to improving my painting skills and learn many a new thing from my wonderful jungle family! And maybe one of these days I will actually finish one of the miniatures that I have parked at Roman's studio!​

Thank you so much for having me!​

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