Hi everyone
In a far away land there lives a sculptor by the name of JU-WON JUNG who with passion crafts resin for our community's consideration and that is what we are looking at today the latest from:
Previous releases have been:

With review links here:
The latest was initially announced as a release here:
With not one but two versions of the box art being presented here:
The release is of course: MUIR , as always we have a story telling of a kingdom with corrupt ministers , lining their pockets from the vaults of gold .
There is a message that decrees a "child of destiny" will arrive and change the world in many ways , putting a stop to the thieving of ministers ...fearing the worse they call upon a haggard and evil witch who as a dark whisp of a shadow slithers across the steps to the royal chambers , waking with a start the princess Muir who on seeing the evil materialised vision staring at her .....
There is no safety now for the royal family and the baby ...taking her brother wrapped agaisnst the cold she flees aided only by the glow of a fast diminishing candle light into the night...
What will the future bring ....evil or light ...we have only time that will decide....
Full details of the release:
Title : Muir ( Lady of Avalaon )
Reference: GP-B009
Scale: 1/10th
Parts: 3 resin plus a story card
Material :Light Lavender gray Resin
Sculptor: Ju-Won Jung
Casting: Ju-Won Jung
Box Art: Ju-Won Jung
Additional Box Art: Aleksandra Cvetanovski (from Craftworld Studio)
StoryLine: Yolanta C. Siu
Graphics: Yeon-Min Jung

On the side we have company details :
Consisting of just 3 parts in a lavender colour tinged resin , the main sculpt , feathers and a base
To say its minimal is an understatement ....
Main sculpt... Excess resin on the underneath
Feathers...Cut off tiny casting block and fit to sculpt
Base...Slight sanding around the edges and fit to piece ( Pin it !!)

Main Sculpt
This is a classy piece of sculpting all over and Ju-Won deserves apart on the back not only for this but for the equally high casting quality evident immediately on looking .

Depicting a old woman with leathery skin , the textures are excellent , probably some of the best I have seen , mouth is shut tightly , ( has she teeth ...I doubt it !!! ) , what I particularly like is the sinister smile that lurks from her features , knowing and dangerous , furrowed forehead with age lines all over ...wisdom lines ...perhaps not !!!
The eyes and the nose are a fine shape again well done with no casting concerns , the eyes form will no doubt make painting the eyes a lot easier.
We see no ears and these are hidden beneath long , straggly and graying hair , the form of this is clean and well defined, the hair swirling down to pony tail wraps at the ends .
At the neckline we have a flurry of material, lovely delicate details showing in the folds, beneath that she has a half moon gorget shaped decoration from which hangs on rings , 2 well sculpted keys ....which ancient doors do they open I wonder ?
Our witch wears caped and hooded clothing the hood is over the head framing the head nicely , very good and natural folds with the hood having a pointed end the winds its way towards the babe in arms .
Around the front edging of the hood we are given a lovely and intricate design , not over scaled and spot on in depth ...nice touch adding more interest for the painter
The child is just so well done it could almost cry , again well sculpted , mouth slightly open the nose slightly raised , eyes wide open , wrapped in a papoose style cradle , the inside of which has a nice edging in place , the child's head nestles deep into a soft lining , seemingly safe ..or perhaps not
For me Ju-won has a real skill in depicting features as herr on the face of both witch and the babe ...but just look at the hand of the witch ...beautifully worked , veins showing with her age , spindly fingers stretching out holding the child close to herself...just great
These are 2 together and fit at the end of the hair on the left as you look at her, detailed with the surface and fit is easy ..perhaps these hold some of the witches evil protecting her from all good in the world...who knows

A different shaped one which is good to see rather than a post , forming downwards , stylised and sitting on a well shaped circle of resin .
Fit to the underside of the puiec is adied by a small cutout and the matching lug being cast on the piece..but again as I always say ...PIN it !!

Final thoughts
Galpagos release not as frequently as I would like but WOW!! when they do its always something very special , this is no exception , lots to challenge the modeller in painting , very well cast and well sculpted ...you could be assured of plenty of happy benchtime .
You could also contact Ju Won by e mail
[email protected]
Why not visit the website:
Or by PM on this forum
Thanks to you all for looking in and thanks to Galapagos for the review piece
Happy modelling to you all
In a far away land there lives a sculptor by the name of JU-WON JUNG who with passion crafts resin for our community's consideration and that is what we are looking at today the latest from:
Previous releases have been:

With review links here:
The latest was initially announced as a release here:
With not one but two versions of the box art being presented here:
The release is of course: MUIR , as always we have a story telling of a kingdom with corrupt ministers , lining their pockets from the vaults of gold .
There is a message that decrees a "child of destiny" will arrive and change the world in many ways , putting a stop to the thieving of ministers ...fearing the worse they call upon a haggard and evil witch who as a dark whisp of a shadow slithers across the steps to the royal chambers , waking with a start the princess Muir who on seeing the evil materialised vision staring at her .....
There is no safety now for the royal family and the baby ...taking her brother wrapped agaisnst the cold she flees aided only by the glow of a fast diminishing candle light into the night...
What will the future bring ....evil or light ...we have only time that will decide....
Full details of the release:
Title : Muir ( Lady of Avalaon )
Reference: GP-B009
Scale: 1/10th
Parts: 3 resin plus a story card
Material :Light Lavender gray Resin
Sculptor: Ju-Won Jung
Casting: Ju-Won Jung
Box Art: Ju-Won Jung
Additional Box Art: Aleksandra Cvetanovski (from Craftworld Studio)
StoryLine: Yolanta C. Siu
Graphics: Yeon-Min Jung
- Again we have a sturdy box which has a pull off clear covering
- High full colour pictures of the 2 box artwork , one on top the other on the bottom
- Contents are protected by 3 foam layers with cutouts for the base and the main chunk of resin, small parts are in a seal lock bag

On the side we have company details :

Consisting of just 3 parts in a lavender colour tinged resin , the main sculpt , feathers and a base

To say its minimal is an understatement ....
Main sculpt... Excess resin on the underneath
Feathers...Cut off tiny casting block and fit to sculpt
Base...Slight sanding around the edges and fit to piece ( Pin it !!)

Main Sculpt
This is a classy piece of sculpting all over and Ju-Won deserves apart on the back not only for this but for the equally high casting quality evident immediately on looking .

Depicting a old woman with leathery skin , the textures are excellent , probably some of the best I have seen , mouth is shut tightly , ( has she teeth ...I doubt it !!! ) , what I particularly like is the sinister smile that lurks from her features , knowing and dangerous , furrowed forehead with age lines all over ...wisdom lines ...perhaps not !!!
The eyes and the nose are a fine shape again well done with no casting concerns , the eyes form will no doubt make painting the eyes a lot easier.
We see no ears and these are hidden beneath long , straggly and graying hair , the form of this is clean and well defined, the hair swirling down to pony tail wraps at the ends .

At the neckline we have a flurry of material, lovely delicate details showing in the folds, beneath that she has a half moon gorget shaped decoration from which hangs on rings , 2 well sculpted keys ....which ancient doors do they open I wonder ?

Our witch wears caped and hooded clothing the hood is over the head framing the head nicely , very good and natural folds with the hood having a pointed end the winds its way towards the babe in arms .
Around the front edging of the hood we are given a lovely and intricate design , not over scaled and spot on in depth ...nice touch adding more interest for the painter

The child is just so well done it could almost cry , again well sculpted , mouth slightly open the nose slightly raised , eyes wide open , wrapped in a papoose style cradle , the inside of which has a nice edging in place , the child's head nestles deep into a soft lining , seemingly safe ..or perhaps not

For me Ju-won has a real skill in depicting features as herr on the face of both witch and the babe ...but just look at the hand of the witch ...beautifully worked , veins showing with her age , spindly fingers stretching out holding the child close to herself...just great

These are 2 together and fit at the end of the hair on the left as you look at her, detailed with the surface and fit is easy ..perhaps these hold some of the witches evil protecting her from all good in the world...who knows

A different shaped one which is good to see rather than a post , forming downwards , stylised and sitting on a well shaped circle of resin .
Fit to the underside of the puiec is adied by a small cutout and the matching lug being cast on the piece..but again as I always say ...PIN it !!

Final thoughts
Galpagos release not as frequently as I would like but WOW!! when they do its always something very special , this is no exception , lots to challenge the modeller in painting , very well cast and well sculpted ...you could be assured of plenty of happy benchtime .
You could also contact Ju Won by e mail
[email protected]
Why not visit the website:
Or by PM on this forum
Thanks to you all for looking in and thanks to Galapagos for the review piece
Happy modelling to you all