Hi guys
In the next imges you can see the eyes already painted , and the base skin color, using acrilics paints, Tamiya Flat Flesh and Gunze Sail Color we need a good acrilic base, TO OBTAIN A GOOD BASE TO BE ABLE TO APPLY THE OLEO BASE COVER becouse some oils are TRANSLUCENT
EYES: fist paint a little black point in the right eye (first the right if you write with your right hand if don´t , first the left, this is for more easy to paint the eyes in correct direction )
Next Step: Shadows, and lights in the face whint the oils, this is the most important and funny step in the painting process, for my.
Sorry if are something you don´t understand my english is not good, and is hard to me make a step by step , but i will my best effort.
Now, the painting from the Face, in 3 steps,
First i applied a base oil color whit a mix of W&N burnt umber , raw sienna, and some indian red, then some shades whit Burnt umber and some hightlighs whit titanium white and some of naples yellow.
After more shadows and hightlights in a second application, and Finaly i applied spots of titanium white pure in the points of more light.
What do you think?
firts shadows and highlights....
the final face... in two views.... in these step the beard not have highlights and shadows
and the other view...
Maybe some of you has already see the S-b-S, but some ones not, so enjoy it