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MMM, mentioned in dispatches....

Discussion in 'General Figure Talk' started by chailey, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. chailey Active Member

    After spending several hours this weekend, painting the face of a 200mm 95th Rifles figure, it was left to dry on my work table, the following morning it had vanished!
    Chief suspect was my four year old Granddaughter who had stayed with us for the weekend, (she remembers looking at the head, but doesn't recall if she actually touched it!!!)
    Several fruitless searches of the house and garden later I contacted Ross at Mitches Military Miniatures to see if it might be possible to purchase a replacement...two days later a replacement pops through my letterbox, may I through this forum, thank Ross for service beyond the call of duty and saving a little girl from seeing Granddad tear out what's left of his hair in total frustration!

    Many thanks MMM,
  2. Richie A Fixture

    Hi Steve,
    Just get rid of the hair anyway, it's overrated anyway.:LOL:

    Ross done me a quick post out for someone this week and it landed at it's destination very swiftly, can't ask for better service than that. Well done MMM from the bald one and the one with the comb over, I'll let you work that one out Steve.;):ROFLMAO:
    chailey and peedee like this.
  3. peedee A Fixture

    A nice post mate , you made me chuckle.

    I do sympathise, but it's good to know Ross it there as back up he's a good lad.

    chailey likes this.
  4. Chrisr PlanetFigure Supporter

    The sort of service that attracts repeat business and recommendations. Nice to see. Well done Ross.

    chailey likes this.
  5. chailey Active Member

    Richie old son, if I had enough hair for a comb over I'd consider myself blessed!
    All the best,

    Richie likes this.
  6. Blind Pew A Fixture

    MMM are top people.(y)
  7. Mark Dollery Well-Known Member

    Yep, cannot fault them, top crew MMM.....
    Mark D

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