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Review Metal Modeles Carabinier Officer

Discussion in 'Reviews , Video Reviews and Open Book' started by Steve Edwards, Oct 5, 2022.

  1. Steve Edwards Active Member

    Officier du 1er Regiment de Carabiniers en manteau

    It's impossible to resist the Ruritanian magnificence of a dismounted Carabiner officer in a greatcoat. It's such a classic Napoleonic study. But watch out, it may say Metal Modeles on the label but inside the bag this dude is mainly resin.


    I wasn't surprised because I knew that this model was in resin. It just seems strange when all my other MM's are metal. As you can see, the body is resin and all the other parts are the familiar metal MM components. I looked at the face under the helmet peak and thought, "I've seen you before!"

    As usual with MM, it's very nicely modelled with fine detail and is thoroughly recommended to all Napoleonic fans. I'm itching to get the paintbrushes out. We shall see the ceremonial opening of my jar of copper paint for that cuirass. My other metallics get and about quite regularly but poor old Mr Copper sits at the back of the paint box leading a very sad and lonely life. Let him out.


    Here's the model roughly assembled in blutack. I'm still in two minds as to whether I like the resin. I generally prefer the heft of a metal figure but I think that this one would be a bit on the heavy side in all metal. I remember painting the chevau-leger lancer officer in greatcoat a few years back and that one is so heavy I nearly dropped it a couple of times. I was artfully daubing the leopardskin turban when it slipped out of my fingers and I only just caught it before it hit the deck.

    Yeah, I think I like the resin...
  2. Oda A Fixture

    A lovely classic.Waiting for the next step.Oh and give my best to Mr.Copper,I think he must be a distand relative of mine.They lead a similar existence:)

    Steve Edwards and DaddyO like this.
  3. Pilgrim53 Active Member

    I have recently bought this figure and look forward to getting on with it. Nice review, I didn't appreciate the amount of resin used.
  4. Ronaldo A Fixture

    MM has been bought over by Atelier Maket or amalgamated with Bruno L being an advisor ,so I can see a lot more resin stuff in the future with the real important bits such as sabres etc remaining metal.
    As an avid Nap freak I love there stuff and nobody does it better than Bruno L.
    This one I'm sure will be a joy to paint
    Tommi, Redcap and Tecumsea like this.
  5. Union brigade Member

    Stumbled over this revue and realized I do not have this figure. Will be ordering it.
    Nap likes this.
  6. mazayas011 Member

    one classic , good figure
  7. santi fernandez Well-Known Member

    Nice figure.
    Nap likes this.

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