Masterclass models


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R Dominick

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2018
Does anyone know anything about the Italian company Masterclass models? I have been trying to order a figure form them but their website is acting odd. Certain pages are broken or not active to include the cart for purchasing. Are they still in business?
I was wondering why their Facebook page is still active. I see they still release the occasional figure. Does anyone know if they can still supply other figures from their large catalog? Their website said they ceased operating. A real shame because they have some all time greats in their catalog.
Yes they are still operational, although their business model changed a bit. I am the web site admin and I was asked to switch off the e-commerce part. The technology of the website is pretty old, so I am redesigning the website, but it will still be a catalog and not an e-commerce
Purchase instructions will be provided, but basically it will be about dropping a message to the owner using a web form to get pricing information.
You can immediately reach out to the owner by using their facebook page.
I have contacted them through facebook and can order from them through there in a very informal way. This is part of the response I received through messaging with them "masterclass is now a cultural association and not a company"
Masterclass facebook when searching on google
Obviously it's not them

Remember their webb adress is
don't confuse with

I wrote in the suppliers list :
4 free catalogs can be downloaded in pdf nov 2013 from now on, Soldiers models will be manufactured and commercialized in total synergy with Masterclass and White Models. Not anymore, not even price info 2020

By the way catalogs download on line is also dead
The actual webb is a disaster
Today in direct :
The slow death of a supplier ....

Why not again the catalog folders on PDF + a price list + a link where we can buy ?
Again, as I said I am building the new website which will actually be a catalog of the various busts and figures. It will not be possible to buy online by putting the items in a cart and pay online. You will have to drop a message through a contact form, then the owner will reply to you.
This is due to the fact that now the brand Masterclass/Soldiers/White Models are owned by a cultural association.
Maintaining a pdf catalog is very time consuming, so it will be no longer supported.
I am developing this website in my spare time, just for the cultural association, so I cannot waste time fixing the old web site.