Thanks a lot for your comments!!!
I used several colors for the base but I don't recall the exact mix. I think it is not so important, I just look for a rich dark color.
The colors I used are Vallejo's Hull red, cavalry brown, vermillion, a little green and Jo Sonja Indian red. For the lights just vermillion and some bright orange and sunny skin tone for the last steps,very controlled and dilluted. Shadows with hull red and indian red.Some filters were placed for more interest, with vermillion, scarlet and indian red.
A photo of my base color (it is maybe a little darker than the photo)
For the gold threads and epaulettes, I used flat brown, old gold and burnt umber.Lights with old gold, golden yellow and glossy white.Controlled washes were placed with browns and black.
For the true metallic parts (buttons and horsesoe on the epaulettes) I used printes inks and oils.