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Making a mannequin

Discussion in 'Digis - Digital Miniatures 3D Modeling' started by WarhammerAdjacent, May 24, 2024.

  1. WarhammerAdjacent Well-Known Member

    Hi all, for some reason I decided 10PM was the time to learn blender and start making a mannequin. I ordered a couple from AFV modeller to use as the basis for a recent sculpting project and liked them so much I figured I'd try to make my own. Here's my starting point, I've put together an upper arm and upper torso, not perfect but they should look ok when covered with putty. I think I might need to be a little thinner but I think I've worked out how to sort that. My main issue at the moment is that the torso is hollow, is there an easy way to make it into a solid shape? The other thing is that I have mirrored along the Z axis so that edits to the right are replicated on the left but somehow there appears to be a gap between the two halves.

    I'm brand new to blender so any tips and tricks are most welcome. I think getting a proper mouse might be a start.

    mannequin 1.jpg
  2. WarhammerAdjacent Well-Known Member

    That was easier than I thought, I'll try printing it off today.

    man 1.png man 2.png man 3.png
    Scotty and Jungle James O'Leary like this.
  3. garyjd Well-Known Member

    I've never used Blender (though I have it) so I'm no help there. Another suggestion would be to find a nude figure base mesh and use the torso, pelvis, and possibly the feet. You could scale them accordingly and print up a number of copies.
    Scotty likes this.
  4. Scotty A Fixture

  5. Nap Moderator

    Hi Stefan

    This is a really interesting thread , thanks for sharing

    Look forward to seeing more

    Happy mannequin making


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