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Completed macbeth

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by badger, Dec 18, 2017.

  1. badger Well-Known Member

    i am looking for completed models of Macbeth, to get ideas on painting a suitable tartan, one that looks ancient and suitable for that time, any help would be great. thank you/badger
  2. megroot A Fixture

    anstontyke and Wings5797 like this.
  3. badger Well-Known Member

    thank you/badger
  4. Babelfish A Fixture

    You mean ..... "the Scottish figure" !!!!! :eek: :eek:

    Merryweather, housecarl, Oda and 2 others like this.
  5. sippog Active Member

    Still one of the best paint ups I've seen. There's an article on the build in an old edition of MilMod - might still have it somewhere

    FYI there was a recent US tv sitcom called "The Scottish Play" about a theatre group. Looked promising but was brainless and dreadful

    Oda and anstontyke like this.
  6. REMOVED PlanetFigure Supporter

    Bear in mind The Tragedy Of Macbeth was based on events surrounding a plot in England...and that Macbeth was first a soldier, then Thane of Glamis and Cawdor...before king..there is a Glamis tartan...if you are depicting Macbeth as played say around 1606..I doubt tartans would have been adhered to at all....if you are doing an interpretation of a purported historical person..well you have choices for the tartans.
    Oda and anstontyke like this.
  7. REMOVED PlanetFigure Supporter

    And remember kilts didn’t happen until after 1500...the whole tartan thing is recent...and came from Ireland. The best approach is to finish as Medieval English. Which was how scot nobility dressed from 1000 and on..
    Babelfish, Oda and anstontyke like this.
  8. valiant A Fixture

    I understand that tartans, as we recognise them now, only came about in the mid 19th century and that prior to this they more resembled tweed or check patterns. As these were woven in different districts, they had a certain uniformity, but certainly not the colourful modern weaves.

    Probably best to work on earthtones, blues, purples, greens, etc. Just my two penn'th!(y)
    anstontyke likes this.
  9. REMOVED PlanetFigure Supporter

    Unless portraying as royalty, then go full purple stuff. But in all event no Jacobite style...if you look at how the play costumes evolved, consensus weighs to medieval royalty, robes, at best some subtle patterning.
    anstontyke likes this.
  10. badger Well-Known Member

    thank you all-I was looking at images of the tartan in the film HIGHLANDER and the tartan looks rough and irregular, which is appealing, and the tartan painted on the mm figure is very smart, but I think a bit too neat,i have tried a couple of attempts, but stopped as I am not inspired yet, will make another attempt soon. /badger
  11. REMOVED PlanetFigure Supporter

    Just remember Highlander whilst fun had little to do with historic accuracy. But then Macbeth didn’t either!
  12. arj A Fixture

    Here's the article by Brian Stewart:-
    Macbeth 1.jpg Macbeth 2.jpg

    Babelfish and sippog like this.
  13. Oda A Fixture

    Excellent historical information.This is exactly the kind of data I would like as background for my works as well.

  14. REMOVED PlanetFigure Supporter

    I enjoy it...I’ve noticed we are a mixed bunch here, and usually someone has something to help out...Bernard cornwells latest book..fools and mortals is fun in terms of playing on the beginnings of professional theatre ...
    Oda likes this.
  15. badger Well-Known Member

    thank you,/badger
  16. badger Well-Known Member

    thank you all for your help and advice-i had a figure called highland king 120mm scale and converted it to look very similar to the post militaire, 75mm scale figure,adding a larger cloak around the body to hide the conversion and painted a tartan similar in style to the post militaire placed it on a winter groundwork as macbeth died in january, and was fortunate to win a first place in the single figure category,at the scottish nationals in perth.--photos on facebook.--so thank you all for your help and advice---especially for the shield made for me -but didnt turn up in time--the mail in scotland is a bit dodgy sometimes.
    MattMcK. likes this.
  17. Nap Moderator


    Do share the photographs here

    Congratulations on the award

    MattMcK. and Oda like this.

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