Review "Loose your bow" 90mm release from Legion Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi one and all

Following on from Legion Miniatures other version of a archer which I looked at here:

That one was in a relaxed pose this release is in a action position with the bow fully extended seconds before he and others release a hail of arrows towards the enemy ...hence the title of "Loose your bow"

This is a painted version by the talented MIKHAIL MALININ

We will see more pictures of this artwork later on

Lets have some pictures for you


long bow 6.jpg


Books as always are available in addition to online resources

longbow 1.jpglongbow 1a.jpglongbow 2.pnglongbow 5.jpg

The release is under the banner "OLD SCHOOL/NEW SCHOOL

As with all Legion miniatures the contents were in a laser cut box with unpainted images on the top and a side

Legion Longbow 90mm 001.jpg Legion Longbow 90mm 002.jpg

Contents consist of torso, legs, arms , head, end piece of a hood, a arrow case (in 2 parts ) a large bag 1 bow , sword, dagger , 1 full arrow, 2 top part of arrows, a tree stump and a base

Longbowman 001.jpg

Details of the release :

Title: "Loose your bow"

Reference: LMM 014

Scale: 90mm

No of pieces: 17

Material: Medium Gray resin

Sculptor: A. Bleskin

Casting: In house

Box Art: N/A on Review box


Torso...Sand around lower edges and fit to legs ( Filler needed )
Legs....Sand off the casting line on inner thighs and remove excess resin under feet and put together ...slight filling needed
Arms ....Sanding needed where fitting into torso on both and filler
Head... Remove excess resin underneath and fit to torso...filler needed
Large bag...Sanding needed to fit to torso and then filler
Hood...Remove from former and fit ..note: this sits on top the bag when in place
Bow...Sand on inner curve and remove resin from one end , string as needed
Sword/knife...Cut away resin from scabbard lower , on knife remove flashing and post , fit both in place
Arrow case...Remove casting post , sand edges and fit together...filler needed
Arrows....remove excess of shaft by the flights , straighten using a heat source careful!!, fit the arrow parts into case
Tree trunk/Base...Remove casting excess and fit together or incorporate into a larger basework

General Comments
  • The prep looks a lots but its a detailed breakdown and should take no more than just over a hour ...worth taking the time before priming
  • Plan the paint ie: fit the arrows last
  • There is the option of 2 firing position ...with the arrow in place as on the box or you could leave the arrow off and string the bow straight as though the aroow has been relaeased
Continued in next post

On to the resin now


Our subject wears loose clothing with a tabbard style front and back , this is held together by ties at the sides , there is a cloth strap running over the right shoulder going across the body at the front

Details on the side ties are not too bad but could perhaps have been more sharper , nice undercuts on the shoulder hood edges which separates at the front

The cloth strap is as it should be , raised at the edges and a good knot on place at the rear

Folds and creases of the material are natural and well shown

The shoulders have deep areas cast to take the arms , the same applies to the neck area

Fit to the legs will need a filler to be used

Legion Longbow 90mm 015.jpgLegion Longbow 90mm 017.jpg

Legion Longbow 90mm 018.jpgLegion Longbow 90mm 016.jpg


The largest of the pieces , they are spread wide in a determined stance in relation to the action , the left leg forward , wearing boots , hose

The lower part of the upper garment is cast onto the top of legs with a small pouch and a money bag, together with straps

The small bag is rounded and full from the bulging at the lower , nice buckle work and corners on the flaps, the bag is held on two defined straps from the belt

The money bag is also full , pulled together and sitting nicely onto the body , to the left is what could be a bow string covered , this is secured onto the belt which again has good buckle detailing the sword straps are cast into position with cut outs and a locating hole to fit the sword and dagger respectively

The hose he wear shows off his manhood well , the material is torn at a knee and on the seams which form the stripes ...a good idea is to include the lines of each section ...making painting easier ...nice thinking Legion

The boots are ankle high and pointed the upper parts folded over nicely and with the boot held in place by a knotted tie , the folds and creases through wearing all well shown

There is a good cutout to take the upper torso as well

Longbowman 002.jpgLongbowman 003.jpgLongbowman 004.jpgLongbowman 005.jpgLongbowman 006.jpgLongbowman 007.jpg

Longbowman 008.jpgLongbowman 009.jpg

Longbowman 014.jpg Longbowman 010.jpgLongbowman 011.jpg

Longbowman 012.jpgLongbowman 013.jpg


These are sculpted in the position of the left fully extended with right bent at the elbow , together forming the firing position

Both arms are padded , and nicely section , on the left there is no hand ( cast onto the bow ) with there is a much needed wrist protector held in place by 2 small straps , the ends hanging loose from the buckle

The right has the hand cast in position this is sculpted with the fingers holding onto the bow string before letting loose

The fingers are well done with 2 being protected by covering leather

Legion Longbow 90mm 019.jpgLegion Longbow 90mm 020.jpgLegion Longbow 90mm 021.jpg Legion Longbow 90mm 022.jpgLegion Longbow 90mm 023.jpg


Wearing a helmet type as in the references simple in style with a patterned rounded piece on each side , holding the strap in place to the helmet , the strap is secured under the chin pulling into the hood he wear undeneath

Facial features are accessible for painting , the face is slightly off centre when looking directly

Fit is no problem into the cutout on the upper torso

Legion Longbow 90mm 027.jpg Legion Longbow 90mm 024.jpgLegion Longbow 90mm 025.jpg

Continued in next post

Onto the remainder of the parts


To finish the clothing he is wearing there is the end to the hood ...very long as was the fashion and sitting naturally when in place fits over the large bag ( see the completed figure and unpainted one )

Legion Longbow 90mm 031.jpg

The bag is again full and well cast with the folds , nice touch is a little repair in the form of sowing ...with stitches !!! , the flap is held in place by toggles ( bone or wood )

You fit this first then the hood end as above ..., matches up to the strap ends with a little filler

Arrow case (Quiver )

This comes in two parts , fitting together easily , a touch of filler , the rounded top with holes is cast into one side , some might like to redrill the holes as well , material folds etec are well done and fit is no problem could also pin this as well

Legion Longbow 90mm 028.jpgLegion Longbow 90mm 029.jpg

Legion Longbow 90mm 030.jpg


Shaped correctly , as I said there is a bow string option ...pulled back in the draw being held in fingers or released and at the bow . The bow has the knocks at the ends to fit the string which you will need to provide ....I suggest a wire or similar

There is the hand sculpted in place holding the hand grip tightly , good details on the fingers and posiition

Legion Longbow 90mm 032.jpg

Legion Longbow 90mm 033.jpgLegion Longbow 90mm 034.jpg


The sword is in a scabbard and has a stylised hand and protector , the grip is wrapped around in leather perhaps to assist the grip , at the scabbard top a small pocket , maybe for a small knife

The Dagger is what was known as a "bollock" ...for obvious reasons!!! , shaped accordingly with a post to locate to the hole in the waist area

The arrows or should I say arrow , there is one full one to fit in place if you choose the box postion , if not you could easily include this pushed into the basework , the other 2 pieces are designed to fit in the arrow bag

All weapons and arrows fit simply

Legion Longbow 90mm 035.jpgLegion Longbow 90mm 036.jpg

Base/Tree trunk

The base is oval in shape textured with cutouts for the feet to fit to and one for the actual tree trunk

Legion Longbow 90mm 039.jpg Legion Longbow 90mm 040.jpg

The tree trunk is again suitably textured and could be used as provided or added into a bigger base

Legion Longbow 90mm 037.jpgLegion Longbow 90mm 038.jpg

As promised lets have a rear view of the unpainted version showing the hood etc in postiion

Now ENJOY some more pictures of MIKHAIL MALININ's artwork ..thanks to Andrey at Legion for the pictures


Final Thoughts

A good figure plenty of painting options, prep isn't overly too much with casting being good and with nice details , idea as a single figure but even better with others that Legion have have a good look around the website wont be unhappy seeing whats on offer ....and their customer service is as good as well

Don't forget that Andrey has offered PF members a discount as well

Legion are members here ( user ID Andrey )
) you can order direct from him here on PF or via the website which is:

They also have a FB page:

Thanks to Legion for the review item

Cheers also to you all for viewing

Enjoy the modelling

I'm not much into medieval figures, but this one looks very good as expected from Legion. Excellent review as always Nap.
What appears to be an accurate depiction of the scourge of the French aristocracy beautifully finished.

Very nice figure.
What is the price for this figure and other 90mm in the range ?
I'm not much into medieval figures, but this one looks very good as expected from Legion. Excellent review as always Nap.
What appears to be an accurate depiction of the scourge of the French aristocracy beautifully finished.

Very nice figure.
What is the price for this figure and other 90mm in the range ?

Thank you for the comments , there's a Crossbowman as well which I will also be looking at soon

Alex ...msg Andrey here on PF , there's a kind offer of a discount offered to PF members

Happy benchtime all

Looks fantastic. I'm trying to build up a collection of archers in 54mm, but this would tempt me out of that scale :).
Nice Nap
I really do like the look of this one, very tempting with that great pose