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WIP Les fusiliers et grenadiers de Saintonge ,1781

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by MarquisMini, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Hello folks,
    here's a few of the latest figures or better say "multiple " figures i am working on.
    I had 2 of this figures already completed 3 years ago,but decided to go back and modify few itmes on the uniform.
    There are 2 figures wearing the 1776 Facings for the regiment de Saintonge, a grenadier and a fusilier.
    The white coat with "Aurore" lapels , cuffs and sky blue collar .
    The 3 rd figure has the new regulation facings for this regiment (1779 reglement) which is "natural green".
    Since the "Aurore" color is a matter of debate , i searched some pics of what Aurore represents, and i know this cause in spanish means Aurora , so i got some images as a reference.
    I decided to use a simple mix for the base, Vallejo deep yellow and a dab of scarlet.
    This project will take awhile since i am working on another 3 figures that need to be completed.
    Great weekend to all.
    DSC03270.JPG DSC03269.JPG DSC03268.JPG DSC03271.JPG dsc_6660_c800.jpg 1280px-Tour_Eiffel_a_l_aurore.jpg pompoms.jpg
  2. ChaosCossack A Fixture

    Your aurore is dead on brother... dark yellow with a hint of red. For Napoleonic aurore I use 953 matt yellow + 918 cavalry brown... Comes out basically the same base that you have here.

    As always, off to a great start! Keep giving progress pics


  3. Edorta A Fixture

  4. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Thanks Colin ! :)
    I will try your mix on the next fusilier.
    I will post more pics in few days.
  5. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Thanks Eduardo , still lots of painting ahead but i am really happy with my choice of colors.
    I like the " neatness" of the white coat trimmed in green , but i enjoy painting the whaite coat with Aurore and sky blue, i think it is an interesting combination.

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