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WIP Lawrance of Arabia -by Steve Leadley

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Nap, Dec 18, 2011.

  1. Nap Moderator

    Hi to all on PF ,

    This is just the unprimed picture of my next piece , its of course sculpted by our very own Steve Leadley (alias "valiant") .

    It is of course "El Lawrence" he was made a Companion of the Order of the Bath and awarded the Distinguished Service Order and the French Légion d'Honneur, though in October 1918 he refused to be made a Knight Commander of the British Empire.

    I know he did not like wearing medals ..I assume he would also have been entitled to the WW1 medals as well ..........

    .....but am desparately trying to find a picture of him wearing medals or ribbons ...so feel free to offer anything you have !!!!

    With or without the medals the sculpt is a really smooth piece and I have had to do no prep apart from drilling for a "handle" underneath .

    Likeness is really good and the headdress will make a great contrast to the drabness of his uniform.

    Casting is great as well ...........off now to research this wonderful subject .


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    Kisifer and dArtagnan like this.
  2. valiant A Fixture

    nice to see this one under way, will be following with interest, cant wait to see one completed. If it is any help to you, there are some good pics in the book "Backing into the Limelight" - dont remember who by, as ive lent it out! There is one particular pic of TE at the Peace talks with Feisal et al where Lawrence's headdress appears to be a heavy embroidered brocade type material, quite dark (maybe the curtains from the officers mess in Cairo?!) and dark bronze pips.
    awaiting progress with interest,
  3. Nap Moderator

    Hi to all on PF,

    I have been googling and my head hurts .....cannot find any picture with him wearing medals ...so I have had a brainwave ...I will include them on the actual base when painted ...bargain(y)

    Here are some references I will be using (the medals showing in the 2 uniform picture are not Lawrence's as there is a DFC in there )

    The 2 headdress picture of of items (the separate agal and the complete headwear) claimed to have been worn by Lawrence (these were sold at Auction in Dorset a while ago)


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  4. Nap Moderator

    And now of his medals !!!!


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  5. valiant A Fixture

    Would he have had the complete pip, squeak and wilfred set, or just the two you've pictured? I wish i hadn't lent the book out, so that i could check when he joined up.
  6. Anzac1915 Member

    Steve said,

    "If it is any help to you, there are some good pics in the book "Backing into the Limelight" - dont remember who by, as ive lent it out!"

    Hi Guys,

    I found a copy of the book that Steve was referring to. It's on ebay (Aus) and it's by Michael Yardley. No affiliation with the seller but thought it might be of some help.


    Also here:

  7. Nap Moderator

    Hi Steve ,

    A good point I am not sure if he would have had the trio as "Pip" was the 1914-15 star (as you know the first medal (The Star) was only issued if the named person was in active service during 1914 to 1915, there was no conscription at the time)

    So when did Lawrence enlist , well he was a member of the OTC before on 9 Jan 1916 he was given a Temp Commission as 2Lt and seconded to the Int Dept (Cairo) , then on.....

    23 March 1916 he was granted Captain and on

    9 Nov 1916 he relinquished temp Rank then on

    4 Aug 1917 he was promoted to temp Major followed by on

    28 June 1918 promoted to temp Lt Col

    leving the Army 31 July 1919

    At the outbreak of war Lawrence was rejected as physically unfit for military service but his unique knowledge of the area made him a perfect candidate for the Intelligence Service at Cairo. ...so it appears he was serving in the "military" so he would have all 3 .

    Thanks for posing the question Steve (if anone knows any different please post)


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  8. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,

    Thanks for the posts , I have deleted the original duo and will be going to the links for the book that Greg kindly gave (cheers)

    It getting to be an interesting one this .

    Think also I might add a Sam Browne belt ..but not 100% as this is not in the picture that Steve used .

    The headdress is more than likely going to be white with a green "pattern" design on it (as in Osprey's MAA 208 plate D3) .

    I was thinking of a very dark red patterned in black with gold and red crown ..little bit speculative though ?

    All thoughts welcome

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  9. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,
    No pictures as yet just an update :

    I have stripped him right back to the resin as I was unhappy with the kharki and ........I wanted to add a sam browne belt which I have done ...it is now all primed again in black !!!!

    Asking Steve about the eyes and hair colour and after watching Lawrence of Arabia yesterday I am going to paint the eyes and hopefully basecoat in Acrylics

    ..............and I quote from Steve " - according to many sources, including the famous painting TE had fair/blond hair with piercing lightish blue eyes - he was quite fair skinned how he tried to pass himself off as circassian arab is beyond me"

    .....Cheers Steve

    Off to splash the paint about

  10. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys
    Quick update with one whole picture .......still contemplating the kharki might push it a little further ..all comments welcome of course .

    Eyes done ...definately looking like Peter O'Toole ..thinking about the flesh now and about the headdress !!!!

    Sam browne undercoated , collar and tie also base coated , together with the rank pips and the buttons .....might do the buttons a leather ..what do you think or should it be tarnished brass ?

    Also posted 2 pictures I am working from as well .

    All comments welcome


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    valiant likes this.
  11. Azgaron Member

    Good start Kevin! Great looking eyes! Looking forward to see more!


  12. valiant A Fixture

    Hi Kev,
    looking good so far! I like the khaki tone, the eyes look spot on! I wish Id have thought of the Sam Browne! looking forward to your progress!
    cheers, Steve(y)
  13. housecarl Moderator

    Looks a promising start Kev.
  14. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,
    Thanks for the comments ..the Kharki now has a "wash" of water soluable oils over it ...has brought it together ...

    Collar and tie now finished ...sambrowne now base coated and will be next !!!!

    Steve ...I have no doubt you would make a much better job of the sam browne !!!!

    Eyes are glossed over ..might take them back a bit with satin ............

    Come on guys any suggestions on how I should tackle the headdress ...its going to be an off white ...well that is the plan !!!!!!

    The cords will be gold/ochre/kharki with red corner peices

    All suggestions welcomed !!!!

  15. housecarl Moderator

    I'd put a touch of khaki in you white for the headdress, then go up to pure white.
  16. Nap Moderator

    H Guys ,

    Settled down after nearly looking like a turkey after eating too much ..so a little bit of work has been done agAin on the uniform and the collar and tie (was unhappy with the previous) ...put some oils as a basic flesh colour , will then start working the facial details ....(its ok they were water soluable one's!!!)

    Still to do the rank pips ..they are gong to be dark bronze (starting with GW Tin Bitz and working with that) , also sam browne WIP!!!

    Will post better pics soon !!!

    Carl ,
    Thanks for tip about the dreaded white

    All comments welcome


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  17. Nap Moderator

    Hi to all on PF ,

    After far too much work and not enough play I have now progressed a bit on this WIP , happy with the uniform (I think) , repainted the tie, shirt,sam browne belt , still buttons and rank to do , then a bit of highlighting to do on face together with eyebrows, lips and general tidy up , working on the headdress , bit more deep shadows and highs to do then its the pattern on it .

    All comments very welcome.


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    valiant likes this.
  18. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,

    Bit of an update here ......progress slow due to work !!! ....I have done more and will post further pics when I can.

    All comments welcome


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  19. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys ,

    As promised some more pictures still some more to do (after I have done some reviews!!!!)

    Do I put a pattern on his headress as per the Osprey colourplate and as in one of the pictures ..it will be a sap coloured green )

    All comments very welcome as always


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  20. Jazz A Fixture

    Lovely work Kev. I have just emailed you about this one. Then found it on the vbench. Love the shading on the uniform, especially the tie. (y)

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