Mary, thanks. I'm an Iraq vet myself so I feel a bit more of an obligation to portray stuff like this for what it is.
Mike, thanks buddy. Couldn't have done it without ya!
Thanks much Allan. I take queues from you in terms of ideas for composition my friend.
Carl, thanks bud.
Thank you Marc. Definitely a labor of love.
Paul, thanks buddy. The scale chart scales it out okay but I do agree with ya, it looks a tad long. I don't know if I'll even attempt to mess with the damn thing at this point, but good eye sir. As for the paint mixes, a base coat of 75/25 Vallejo Russian Uniform and Reaper Weathered Stone. Next came the lighter shade of camo ( this is similar to Calvin Tan's brilliant method of painting ACU with the dark shade first ), made with Reaper Weathered Stone and Reaper Yellowed Bone, mixed in a ratio of about 80/20 or so. Outlining of seams and such with Reaper Pale Lichen mixed with a bit of Weathered Stone; used this for some highlighting glazes as well. Shadows with Pale Lichen and some Reaper Black Primer mixed in and glazed. Outlining with Black Primer. Hope this helps sir.
Dan, thanks bro. Glad you like it!
Dave, much appreciated my friend. I am happy you dig the finished piece!
Xenofon, thank you for the compliment.
Jason, thanks brother.....and yes, you're absolutely right.
Thank you kindly John. I definitely tried!
Daniel, thanks sir.