Hi to all
Mention the word Landsknecht and the response will more than likely be " Soldiers who wore very colourful clothing and liked to fight" ....pretty apt I reckon ....so its nice to be able to have a look at
a release of this subject from
based in Canada.
On opening the parcel from Alex I found that I had the double figure version

unfortunately I was missing the prone figure pieces .....no matter I quickly contacted Alex who is sending the missing items so I will update this review when received but for now here's a look at a view from Castle at the missing base with figure

I did however find I had the single figure so that's what I will look at in this review
I will put reference pictures at the end of this review for your interest and hopefully of use !!!
Details of the release:
Title: Tu mea sola socium
Scale: 75mm
Material: a mix of dark and light gray resin
No of parts: 10 for the single version which I will look at ( 16 for both figures )
Sculptor: Vladimir Danilov ( A PF member )
Box Art : None on review piece
Using my best Latin translator the title means ...."You sole Partner" ...a reference to his sword ...his only friend
Parts were held in a cardboard box with the resin being in clear bags , the box had a slipover wrapping
Parts consist of full Torso ( less right arm and leg) , separate lower right arm and leg, head, cap, feather, small sword, main larger sword , cloak and a base
As with my previous comments on Castle miniature casting there is very little to do except remove small plugs from pieces , or remove from formers , slight sanding on the rear torso and base , remove flashing from sword ( be careful this is a cracking sculpt and resin so take it easy !!
Lets look at some of the resin
As you can see its cast with the left arm and leg on wearing armoured on thighs ( tassets ) and a breast plate , this is fluted in shape as we see in original manuscripts , detail on the armour is very good in all areas with good "rope" patterning on the lower tassets , nice strap work and the clothing is "slashed" in places , bulging out to show underneath ....many colour variations exist.
The lower leg shows nice creases as becoming the stocking he wears , at the knee there is the bugling slashed material again , on the stockings we have tears at the seam
One thing noticeable in all references is the "cod piece" ....and yes our landsknecht is well supplied in this area !!!
Around the waist is a sash, nicely worked with a fine looking tied bow at the front , on a strap just below there is a good small pouch/purse
Detail sculpting as you will see , but not all over where the cloak fits on over the torso

It has to be said that both parts fitted well into position , matching well to the torso itself
The arm is the lower part with good crease work leading down to the hand which exhibits detailed finger work , the hand is gripping the cloak

The leg is bent at the knee as its on a raised groundwork on the base ..this is the correct height wether its this or the one with the prone figure on it , again great detail work from Mr Danilov on the material , tears at the calf , the shoes are as the style of the time wide at the toes and with slashing ..this applies to the torso shoe ( there was no L or R at this time )
At the knee there is a securing ribbon with the slashing appearing again above the knee itself

As with any figure a focal point , this si well sculpted part with straggly hair working its way out the lower edges of a simple helmet ( with the rivets round the lower edge ).
Hair texture is good , strands being defined well
Facial features are excellent particularly the character of this fellow , ...he has a tooth missing as well ...nice touch
The helmet is held on by a cord knotted under his chin
Fit the head once the cape is in place

Note : the blue is casting residue
Continued in next post
Mention the word Landsknecht and the response will more than likely be " Soldiers who wore very colourful clothing and liked to fight" ....pretty apt I reckon ....so its nice to be able to have a look at
a release of this subject from

On opening the parcel from Alex I found that I had the double figure version

unfortunately I was missing the prone figure pieces .....no matter I quickly contacted Alex who is sending the missing items so I will update this review when received but for now here's a look at a view from Castle at the missing base with figure

I did however find I had the single figure so that's what I will look at in this review

The figure depicts a Doppelsoldner , holding the famous Zweihander sword , almost 66" in the double edged blade length....their task was to advance swinging the swords and cutting down pikes , forcing a gap in the enemy which was rapidly filled by those landsknechts following .I will put reference pictures at the end of this review for your interest and hopefully of use !!!
Details of the release:
Title: Tu mea sola socium
Scale: 75mm
Material: a mix of dark and light gray resin
No of parts: 10 for the single version which I will look at ( 16 for both figures )
Sculptor: Vladimir Danilov ( A PF member )
Box Art : None on review piece
Using my best Latin translator the title means ...."You sole Partner" ...a reference to his sword ...his only friend
Parts were held in a cardboard box with the resin being in clear bags , the box had a slipover wrapping

Parts consist of full Torso ( less right arm and leg) , separate lower right arm and leg, head, cap, feather, small sword, main larger sword , cloak and a base
As with my previous comments on Castle miniature casting there is very little to do except remove small plugs from pieces , or remove from formers , slight sanding on the rear torso and base , remove flashing from sword ( be careful this is a cracking sculpt and resin so take it easy !!
Lets look at some of the resin
As you can see its cast with the left arm and leg on wearing armoured on thighs ( tassets ) and a breast plate , this is fluted in shape as we see in original manuscripts , detail on the armour is very good in all areas with good "rope" patterning on the lower tassets , nice strap work and the clothing is "slashed" in places , bulging out to show underneath ....many colour variations exist.
The lower leg shows nice creases as becoming the stocking he wears , at the knee there is the bugling slashed material again , on the stockings we have tears at the seam
One thing noticeable in all references is the "cod piece" ....and yes our landsknecht is well supplied in this area !!!
Around the waist is a sash, nicely worked with a fine looking tied bow at the front , on a strap just below there is a good small pouch/purse
Detail sculpting as you will see , but not all over where the cloak fits on over the torso

It has to be said that both parts fitted well into position , matching well to the torso itself
The arm is the lower part with good crease work leading down to the hand which exhibits detailed finger work , the hand is gripping the cloak

The leg is bent at the knee as its on a raised groundwork on the base ..this is the correct height wether its this or the one with the prone figure on it , again great detail work from Mr Danilov on the material , tears at the calf , the shoes are as the style of the time wide at the toes and with slashing ..this applies to the torso shoe ( there was no L or R at this time )
At the knee there is a securing ribbon with the slashing appearing again above the knee itself

As with any figure a focal point , this si well sculpted part with straggly hair working its way out the lower edges of a simple helmet ( with the rivets round the lower edge ).
Hair texture is good , strands being defined well
Facial features are excellent particularly the character of this fellow , ...he has a tooth missing as well ...nice touch
The helmet is held on by a cord knotted under his chin
Fit the head once the cape is in place

Continued in next post