Lack of response.


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My (personal) experience in this forum:
I realize that I have a lot to learn, so I usually lurk and read.

I learn a lot, and hope that I soon have courage to post some new(er) works and get the input on how to improve.

On the two times I posted questions, I got superb responses and I left with very good ideas to try.

hmm, well i like honest opinions over 'lip service' any day, but i hold my hand up and admit that i have been shy in posting but will endeavor to up my rate and join in so more people get responses. i am after all , a friendly type and any-one is welcome to chat to me /critisize my works. we do this because we like what we do.
regards all== timo :)
Sometimes, it's just down to one's presentation to get a response.

Take the new outstanding Chart mounted figure for exemple. I guess many readers have overlooked it because the pics are too small and take a longer time to load.

As for criticism, IMO there's no such thing as 'good' or 'bad' criticism. There are only the comments that help and encourage and on the other hand, the ones that hurt and hinder. My position is simple: If I think I cannot help, I just don't post.

Concerning the 'attaboy' attitude derided by some, call me old-fashioned but I've always felt that some politeness and camaraderie won't hurt in a dog-eats-dog world.

My 2 eurocents ;)

You know in a way I think the pendulum may have swung to far in the it is not OK to just say something nice direction. I think it is posible to do both it just takes care. We do have the option of giving critique off of the main board and through a PM if we are worried about making things seem unfriendly for a new guy. What we need to do is strike a ballance. Lets face it I have never looked at som thing that MAB has done and thought oh that just looks bad I should tell him.( He is not alone in that regard this board is just filled with people who are just amazingly talented.) His work is so nice it is just not something that needs to be done.

So for myself I try and strike a balance on this type of thing now. I still tell people when I like something they have done even if some people may be put off by it. A pat on the back does go much further then a harsh critique. It is very easy to be misunderstood in an e-mail. What may not seem harsh when you say something to some one in person may come out that way when it is just words on a screen. A rule of thumb is to always tell someone what they are doing right and what you like about a piece before you say anything that could be considered negative. It helps face to face and when in it is just words in a post.

Just my two cents.