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Laced Jackets

Discussion in 'Sculpting' started by Pilgrim53, Oct 21, 2021.

  1. Pilgrim53 Active Member

    Any tips on sculpting a pelisse/laced jacket in 54mm; approach, materials etc. Many Thanks
  2. SUPER ANTO Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if I can to help you, but I've sculpted several of these at 54 and 75 mm and I've not any special material or tool for that work, only my usual clay, detailed info and..... a lot of patience.
    Nap and Richie like this.
  3. JABERWOCKY Active Member

    hi pilgrim,
    the few times i've tried to make lace for a pelisse i've used thin copper wire. getting the right thickness is the main problem. i've tried miliput several times and as super anto mentioned you need patience with it. good luck, hope i've helped a little.
    Nap likes this.
  4. Tonton Well-Known Member

    Have you thought of round plastic rod? Plastruct do various diameters and I’ve used their 0.3 mm rod for that very purpose as it’s very flexible and will fix easily. You should be able to get the rod in most model shops.

    Hope this helps.

    Scotty likes this.
  5. SUPER ANTO Well-Known Member

    I'm absolut agree with JABERWOCKY and Tonton, copper wire could be a great option, I tried that, but you must use a different glue than cyano, because you'll must to fix the position of each lace several times. I usually use clay because the laces are naturals to the pelisse.
    Nap and Tonton like this.
  6. Bob Orr Active Member

    thin lead wire, used in fishing fly tying, is easier to use than copper wire as it is not springy and stays where you put it.
    Scotty, Tonton, Nap and 1 other person like this.
  7. MCPWilk A Fixture

    I use solder wire of several thicknesses, but which can be ordered down to 0.2mm on eBay.

    winfield likes this.
  8. svt A Fixture

    In the photo 54 mm. A thin pancake is rolled out of the sculpting material and strips are cut with the blade of a model knife (if laces are needed, not braid, then a strip is also cut, but thin, which you can slightly roll on a flat surface with your finger, giving it a rounded section), which paste on model. With a knife, already on the model, the borders of the braid or laces are adjusted. 001.jpg
    Scotty, stoffy01, Richie and 11 others like this.
  9. Pilgrim53 Active Member

    Thanks to all for the tips; much to ponder on and try.
  10. MCPWilk A Fixture

    What sculpting material are you using?

  11. svt A Fixture

    Sculpey Premo was used here.

    my materials premo 001.jpg my materials premo 002.jpg
    stoffy01, DaddyO and Nap like this.
  12. Nap Moderator

    Great question and really good replies

    Look forward to seeing the results

    Happy lacework

  13. pkessling Active Member

    Incredible sculpting on the lace!
    svt likes this.
  14. Bob Orr Active Member


    Now that is some putty pushing skill!!!!
    DaddyO and Nap like this.

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