Hi Martin,
Thanks for your question! in my original release announcement here :https://www.planetfigure.com/thread...-halftrack-sd-kfz-251-1-ausf-d-riders.598005/
I have many questions ... many want to say to you and to other modelers, but my English is not good that hard to communicant! My mother language is Chinese, pls think about it if I want you communicant with me in Chinese, will you feel same as an English to you? Sometimes I need dictionary help for understand what customers say. I'm an extremely busy man, I'm really no extra times communicant and response their question!
Okay, back to the main point I want say, in this new release I find some modelers judge my products quality and rough scratch compared with my early products.
I guess you have been in this hobby for many years, and guess you saw many sculptors and companies couldn't success and left this business!
I still remember when Covid-19 started, many old modelers were gone, some of them my great supporter customers! my income became not enough support my business because of the bad economic. I know if I still want to live in this business, I need change my step... MUST BE FAST! I need more items for modelers choice.
I'm in this business since 2018 to now, I saw plastic model factories how to change modelers what they need, so I made a larger number of tanks riders.
I change my step hope keep enough income support my business!
One more the worst thing was some *******re-casters copy many of my products and selling with low low prices! from this way I loss a lot of incomes
that I couldn't know!?
Recently some modelers wanted order from me, after I checked I know they support re-casters then I refuse their order, also I don't want do business with trouble customers, this is why someone told me I have the list. Could you tell me I'm doing Wrong?
I have a question? how could these *******re-casters still survive? because modelers feed them maybe you or your modeler friends!
Some profit should be to me, but my profit were flying to re-casters!
Finally, pls don't use my products compare with 3D, all my figures are hand made, these the best I can do this moment! hope people understand!
All the best,

Thanks for your question! in my original release announcement here :https://www.planetfigure.com/thread...-halftrack-sd-kfz-251-1-ausf-d-riders.598005/
I have many questions ... many want to say to you and to other modelers, but my English is not good that hard to communicant! My mother language is Chinese, pls think about it if I want you communicant with me in Chinese, will you feel same as an English to you? Sometimes I need dictionary help for understand what customers say. I'm an extremely busy man, I'm really no extra times communicant and response their question!
Okay, back to the main point I want say, in this new release I find some modelers judge my products quality and rough scratch compared with my early products.
I guess you have been in this hobby for many years, and guess you saw many sculptors and companies couldn't success and left this business!
I still remember when Covid-19 started, many old modelers were gone, some of them my great supporter customers! my income became not enough support my business because of the bad economic. I know if I still want to live in this business, I need change my step... MUST BE FAST! I need more items for modelers choice.
I'm in this business since 2018 to now, I saw plastic model factories how to change modelers what they need, so I made a larger number of tanks riders.
I change my step hope keep enough income support my business!
One more the worst thing was some *******re-casters copy many of my products and selling with low low prices! from this way I loss a lot of incomes
that I couldn't know!?
Recently some modelers wanted order from me, after I checked I know they support re-casters then I refuse their order, also I don't want do business with trouble customers, this is why someone told me I have the list. Could you tell me I'm doing Wrong?
I have a question? how could these *******re-casters still survive? because modelers feed them maybe you or your modeler friends!
Some profit should be to me, but my profit were flying to re-casters!
Finally, pls don't use my products compare with 3D, all my figures are hand made, these the best I can do this moment! hope people understand!
All the best,