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Jeffshiu's Miniatures 120mm WWII British sniper

Discussion in 'Figure News' started by pinkfloyd, Sep 3, 2024.

  1. pinkfloyd A Fixture

    Hi, jeffshiu's Miniatures 120mm latest release 'WWII British sniper', limited edition 50 copies ,thanks for looking! Jeff

    1_.jpg 2_.jpg 3_.jpg 4_.jpg 5_.jpg 6_.jpg 7_.jpg 8_.jpg 9_.jpg 10_.jpg
    balder, Tutilo17, Ferris and 20 others like this.
  2. David Spencer A Fixture

    Very nice subject indeed
  3. Martin64 A Fixture

    While this nice interpretation of the attached photo remains true to the inspiration it is not very common that a sniper exposes himself so foolishly by sticking his rifle out of a window frame.
    That said - nice figure and finally a regular Tommie. (y)
  4. valiant A Fixture


    Looks like a curious combination of a figure in a Denison smock, with parachute wings, with a MkII helmet - so not a regular Tommy, at all! The photo is in standard battledress.....
    Oda and Martin64 like this.
  5. MCPWilk A Fixture

    Superbly sculpted and posed from a solid reference.

    Blind Pew and Oda like this.
  6. Scotty A Fixture

  7. valiant A Fixture

    Just done an image search and its come up with that exact photo described as "A sniper from "C" Company, 5th Battalion, The Black Watch in position in a ruined building in Gennep, Holland, 14 February 1945....." A further search states that snipers were issued with the Denison late war, so this does fit with the pic, however, it's unlikely to have had para wings on, unless this particular chap had completed jump training.(y)
  8. Blind Pew A Fixture

    Whichever, nice to see a Tommy for a change. This is an excellent new release from Jeff.
    Oda, Warren SMITH and Scotty like this.
  9. Warren SMITH A Fixture

    Great to see a British figure.. Hope more are in the pipe works..
    Blind Pew, newtonk, Oda and 1 other person like this.
  10. Nap Moderator

    Hi Jeff

    Nice to see a release and a good subject , no doubt popular

    Follows the picture closely but interesting he’s been posed standing up rather than kneeling as in pic

    Sure we will see painted version

    Thanks for sharing

    Happy releasing

  11. newtonk Well-Known Member

    Buy one, then more will follow.... works for me, every time I buy one Jerman, another comes along!!
    Blind Pew likes this.
  12. lpa53 Active Member

  13. Sgt. Red Active Member

    There is never enough british figures.....
    Blind Pew likes this.
  14. Steve Ski A Fixture

    That's a nice one, Jeff, excellent!
  15. Richie A Fixture

    Thought this would make a nice conversion into a Para having the Denison, but it's rough and unrefined in a lot of areas a lot of work to correct it. The left boot and gaiter need addressing, the fingers look poor from what I can see and even the rifle magazine. These jumped straight out at me.
    Nice choice but rushed.

    6_.jpg 2_.jpg
    Babelfish, NRG and Nap like this.
  16. Babelfish A Fixture

    Agree. Rough-around-the-edges seems to be an ongoing theme with JS these days, along with the increasing paranoia about recasters. He's now asking potential buyers to submit photos of their hands next to previous purchases in order to "prove" that they are legit buyers before he'll sell to them (I know of at least two recent cases of this happening).

    All combined, this makes the JS buying experience a lot less appealing than it used to be. A real shame because he does some nice unusual subjects that others haven't touched, as well as "popular perennials" like Fallschirmjäger, Panzer crewmen and Kharkov-parka Germans.

    - Steve
    Blind Pew and Nap like this.
  17. Babelfish A Fixture

    That was my first thought as well, but the photo does seem to back it up (although it could be a "posed" pic). I suppose you could always position the bench further back into the room to reduce or eliminate the sticky-outyness of his rifle.

    - Steve
    Nap and Martin64 like this.
  18. Von Bock Well-Known Member


    Nice looking figure and a Brit should be popular. Regards, Brock

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