Hi figure friends,
We are truly blessed in that we have so many company's that are releasing pieces to tempt us with , none so more than a relatively new but very welcome one set up in 2014 by a rather classy modeller in his own right .....you might have heard of him...LOL
it is of course .....Alex Varela
The company...............
Books are readily available here are a few of my favourites:
We are truly blessed in that we have so many company's that are releasing pieces to tempt us with , none so more than a relatively new but very welcome one set up in 2014 by a rather classy modeller in his own right .....you might have heard of him...LOL

it is of course .....Alex Varela
The company...............
They are establishing their products in many ways , producing interesting and different subjects none so more than the release we are looking at:
Japanese Sniper WW2

Here is the drawing of the piece from Tiny Leads :
Its a bust so immediately my eyes lit up when Alex announced the release here on PF , I like many others had the pleasure to meet him at Euro 2015.
Lets have a bit of background on the Japanese soldier and armed forces in general , it is said that Japan was on a war footing since the 1931 Sino-Japanese war some say before that with the 1894 conflict.
The Army was very much one of a soldier wanting nothing more than to give his life for the Emperor ..the living god
, they were continually made to feel a subdued by even very junior NCO's and Officers , the gap between the men and officers was massive , total obedience was demanded at all times.

The army training began with call up at 20 for 2 years then if he survived onto the reserve ...but more than not a constant call up . Often living and fighting in appalling conditions with minimal food , uniforms rotting away.
The soldier was very adept at "getting by" using and foraging from the local area's .
The best shots were trained in the art of sniping with the main push being on concealment and camouflage , giving them the ability to melt away into the vegetation , they used any suitable position often high up in the canopy of trees , climbing them using boot spikes and a strap.

Continued in next post: